Mutual Masturbation

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"Fuck, Ty," Josh moaned as his head fell back, his eyes shutting as he bit his lip, his hand pumping faster.

"Josh?" Tyler asked as he walked into the room, his eyes widening at the sight of his boyfriend in nothing but a t-shirt, looking sexy as ever as he jerked off. "O-oh, goodness."

Josh opened his eyes as he heard Tyler. "Hi, baby."

"S-sorry," Tyler quickly apologized.

"Don't be sorry, cutie," Josh grinned. "You can watch if you want."

Tyler didn't know what to say. He had to admit, he was a bit turned on just by the brief sight of Josh pleasuring himself.


Josh grinned and nodded, scooting over on the bed to make room for Tyler. Tyler crawled onto the bed he shared with his boyfriend and sat down by him, unable to keep his eyes off his dick.

"You've never jerked off before, have you?" Josh said.

Tyler shook his head.

"You wanna try it?"


"It feels really good, Ty. You can control how fast and how much pressure you want. It's of course not nearly as amazing as sex with you is, but it still feels great," Josh said.

Tyler blushed shyly and shrugged.

"Watch what I do, and if you feel like doing it, do what I do. Sound good?"

Tyler nodded.

Josh smirked and nodded, beginning to pump himself again. He let out moans, bit his lip, let his unoccupied hand roam his own body, anything and everything that came naturally.

Tyler couldn't tear his eyes away. Josh had never looked hotter, and that was saying a lot. He noticed his jeans getting tighter, so he pulled them off and stuck his hand in his boxers, giving his cock an experimental tug.

How had he gone 27 years without doing this?

He did what Josh did, feeling absolutely amazing. He let out moans as well, turning Josh on even more.

Josh came first since he had started a bit before Tyler, smirking as he watched his beautiful boyfriend pleasure himself. He gently stroked himself as he watched.

Tyler came about two minutes later, all over his hand and belly, panting as he came down from his high.

"Pretty amazing, huh?" Josh smirked.

"S-so amazing."

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