Valentine's Day

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Tyler woke up to someone kissing his lips and caressing his bare side. He opened his eyes to see it was his husband.

"Joshua..." he said with a sleepy smile.

"Hey, baby," Josh smiled. "Happy Valentines Day. Sorry I have to work today. There's breakfast and some stuff for you downstairs. I gotta head out."

Tyler smiled shyly. "Y-you didn't have to get me anything, Joshie."

"Of course I do!" Josh exclaimed. "It's our first Valentine's Day together married!"

"Oh yeah," Tyler giggled. "I keep forgetting you're my husband."

"You're such a dork," Josh giggled, leaning down and kissing his husband's lips. "But you're my dork. No one else's. I'll see you when i get home, baby. Love you."

"Love you too," Tyler hummed against Josh's lips.

He got out of bed a little while later, going downstairs and smiling widely as he blushed once he saw the whole scene Josh had set up.

He took a bite of a donut then walked to the living room, giggling as he saw even more gifts.

He decided that the simple 150-count of chocolates wasn't enough after all joshua did for him, so he went shopping.

He slid on skinny jeans and a t-shirt, having only been wearing boxers.


Josh arrived home around 6:00 that night, a wide grin on his face. He carried a bouquet of two dozen roses for his beautiful husband, and he couldn't wait to give them to him.

He walked into their bedroom to find five gifts laid out on the bed.

A note was tied to each item.

Of course, there was the huge box of 150 chocolates. 'Something to taste...' the note read.

'Something to smell...' A lavender scented candle.

'Something to touch...' a new massage oil.

'Something to hear...' a new speaker for their room since their old one broke.

And, finally.

'Something to see...' a pair of lace blue panties.

Josh blushed deeply and grinned widely.

Tonight is going to be amazing.

He turned around and went back to searching for his husband, finding him in their bathroom.

"Hello, my beautiful, beautiful valentine," he grinned, wrapping his arms around his husband's waist from behind.

"H-hi, Joshie," Tyler giggled.

"These are for you, my dear," Josh grinned as he handed Tyler the flowers.

"Awww, Jishwaaa. These are soooo pretty. Thank you," Tyler said, getting up on his toes and kissing his husband's lips. "And thank you for the amazing breakfast, too."

"Thank you, my love, for the gifts you got me. I cannot wait to see you tonight," Josh smirked, nibbling on Tyler's earlobe.

Tyler smiled shyly. "I-I'm kind nervous for it."

"What??" Josh asked, pulling away. "Why??"

"I-I've never worn panties before," Tyler giggled.

"How about, you try them on, and if you feel confident in them, you wear them, but if you don't, just wear your normal boxers?" Josh suggested. "I promise you, you're sexy either way, just I've never seen you in anything other than boxers."

"Neither have I," Tyler giggled. "I'm not fem."

"Maybe not fem, but definitely motherly," Josh chuckled.

Tyler nodded in agreement.

"So, What do you wanna do for dinner tonight?" Or do you just wanna go straight to dessert?" He smirked, starting to suck at his husband's neck.

Tyler giggled. "I wanna snuggle."

"Really? You just wanna snuggle?"


"Should I order a pizza or something?"

"Oooooh, yeah!!!"

And so Josh ordered a pizza while Tyler brought all the fluffy blankets downstairs and set them up on the couch, grinning as his husband joined him.

"What should we watch?" Tyler asked.

"Youuuuu getting naked."

"Noooooo. That comes later," Tyler giggled.

"Whatever you wanna watch, baby."

Tyler turned on some cheesy romance movie, giggling as his husband pretended to yawn and stretch his arms up just so one could end up over Tyler's shoulders.

"Soooooo smooth," Tyler giggled, kissing Josh's cheek.

Suddenly, the doorbell ring.

"PIZZA!" Tyler exclaimed excitedly, running to the door. He got the pizza and returned opening it and smiling widely.

"Awwwww, look, Joshie! It's in the shape of a heart!!"

"It also costed me $20 to have them do it,"Josh  chuckled. "But Anything for my hubby."

And so the boys ate their pizza and snuggle, just what tyler wanted, before ty said he was going to 'slip into something more comfortable' since he hadn't changed out of his skinny jeans from the store.

Josh nodded, not thinking much of it.

But when Tyler returned, he was in nothing but the lace panties, smiling and blushing shyly as he looked down at his feet.

"Holy fucking shit..."

"D-do you like them?"

"Fuck yes," Josh said, standing up and quickly walking to his husband, kissing his lips deeply as he ran his hands up and down Tyler's sides. "You look so fucking sexy... oh my god, Ty..."

Tyler blushed and giggled as his husband's started sucking a hickey into his neck.

Josh soon just picked his husband up, carrying him to their room and laying him down on the bed, crawling on top of him.

The boys made love, Josh swearing he could've bum just from the sight of Tyler in the panties.

"Best Valentine's Day gift ever," he chuckled as he snapped the elastic of Tyler's panties.

Tyler blushed and giggled. "I love you, Joshie. Happy Valentine's Day. Maybe next year you can be the one to pick them out."

"Who says we have to wait till next year?!"

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