Bad Bitch

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Tyler didn't drink, and Josh did rarely. Tonight they were at a party and didn't have anything to do the next day, so Josh figured there would be no harm in getting tipsy.

15 shots later and he was vomiting out Tyler's car's window, his husband laughing at him. "I told you not to get drunk, Joshie. It's never fun."

Josh whipped his head around and put his middle finger over Tyler's lips. "Shhhhhh. I'm tryna sleep."

"Joshua, you're throwing up."

"Throwing up dreams!" Josh exclaimed, extremely offended.

Tyler giggled and pulled into the driveway of their home, helping Joshua get out of the car. He at first was holding his hand, but Josh's drunkenness got the best of him and he started sprinting towards the door, hitting it and falling to the ground.

"Oh my god!" Tyler exclaimed, rushing up to his husband. "Are you okay?!"

Josh rolled over onto his back and bursted into giggles. "Silly doooooor."

Tyler sighed and helped Joshua to his feet, walking him inside to their bedroom.

"I'M A BAD BITCH!" Josh screamed throughout the house.

"Joshua, sweetheart," Tyler said softly. "Can you lower your voice a bit?"


"Because my head hurts."

"Oh noooooo!" Josh exclaimed, turning around and sprinting towards the kitchen, fumbling around for a bag of Doritos before throwing them at Tyler. "Hubby head hurt! Here, hubby!"

"Thanks, babe," Tyler sighed, setting the bag of chips down before going to retrieve Joshua yet again. "Now let's get into bed, yeah?"

"Okieeeeee," Josh grinned, plopping down on the kitchen floor.

"Why're you sitting on the floor?"

"We gon' play a game."

"What game, Joshua?"

"You gon' drag me!!"

"Baby, you are six inches taller than me and have a whole lot more muscle than I do. I can't drag you."


"what the fuck?"


"Are you supposed to be a car?"


"Ok, well, you can only be a jishwa if you go to our room," Tyler said.

"I'm gon' go be a jishwa," Josh said, crawling to his and Tyler's room.

Tyler couldn't help but giggle. His husband was typically pretty reserved. He had never seen Joshua so loud and chaotic.

He followed Josh to their room, being hissed at when he tried to help josh get on the bed.

"Ok, jeez," Tyler said, taking his hands off his husband.

Josh grinned and jumped onto the bed, pulling Tyler on top of him. "Ya gotta snuggle with me."


"Because I'm so cute."

"You are pretty cute," Tyler laughed. "Especially like this." Josh just couldn't stop giggling. Tyler grabbed his phone and took a picture.

 Tyler grabbed his phone and took a picture

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(Ignore the people in the back lol)

"Did you know I'm a really bad bitch?"

"So I've heard," Tyler giggled, kissing Josh's forehead. "Bad bitches need sleep, though. Especially when they're drunk. Go to bed, bad bitch."

"I'm gon' go to bed cause I'm a bad bitch," Josh informed his husband. He quickly faked being asleep.

About thirty seconds later, he spoke up. "Do you know how bad of a bitch I am?"

"How bad of a bitch are you, Joshua?" Tyler giggled.

"A real bad bitch."

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