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"H-hi," Tyler smiled shyly as he opened the front door to his home.

"Hey, baby," Josh smiled.

Tyler stepped back as a nonverbal way to tell Josh to come in. They would be home alone tonight, Tyler's parents being out of town for the weekend.

Josh entered the home, giving Tyler a big hug. "So, I thought we'd have a picnic," Josh grinned.

Tyler smiled and nodded, shyly slipping his hand into Josh's right hand since his left was occupied by the picnic basket.

The boys headed to Tyler's backyard, laying out a blanket then setting everything on top of it. The boys ate, talking about small things that both of them liked.

After they finished eating, they laid down on the blanket together, Tyler's head resting on Josh's arm as they looked up at the stars. Tyler's left arm was across Josh's body, playing with his boyfriend's right fingers.

Josh just smiled as he soaked up the feeling, squeezing Tyler's hand. "I love you," he smiled. "You know that?"

Tyler blushed and smiled shyly, nodding his head. "I-I love you too."

Josh smiled and turned on his side so he was facing Tyler, running his fingers through his boyfriend's hair. "Someday, you know, we're gonna be doing this in a bed, married, prolly naked, and we're gonna look back on this and think 'wow. we were really cute back then.'"

"Joshie," Tyler giggled shyly. "D-don't say we're gonna be naked."

Josh grinned. "Well we're gonna get married, aren't we?"

Tyler smiled widely, blushing as he nodded.

The boys were only 17, but they were already talking about marriage.

"And after you get married, you go on a honeymoon. And you're like... naked 75% of the honeymoon," Josh laughed.

Tyler giggled and rested his head against the bigger boy's chest.

Josh could listen to Tyler's laugh for days. His boyfriend didn't talk much, but when he did hear his voice, his heart melted. The same went for his adorable giggles.

He pulled Tyler closer, nuzzling his nose in the smaller boy's neck. "I can't wait to marry you one day."

"W-we should get married i-in a garden."

"A garden?"

"Like with flowers a-and stuff."

"Whatever you want, baby," Josh smiled, kissing Tyler's cheek. "Anything you want."

Tyler had a rough past. His last relationship was an abusive one. Emotionally and physically. He suffered from depression and didn't really see a point in living any longer.

Until Joshua came around.

He showed Tyler he had worth. He proved to him he should stay alive. He held him and took care of him. He showed him what a relationship should be. He loved Tyler so, so much, and Tyler loved Josh more than anything.

Josh always held Tyler close, told him he was beautiful, and shielded him from people who would put any negativity in his boyfriend's mind, knowing Tyler was still very fragile and insecure. Hence, the stuttering and lack of eye contact at times.

"W-we should k-kiss after the ceremony. L-like, a-alone."

"Like make out?"

Tyler nodded, not looking into Josh's eyes. He always felt ashamed when he asked for something or made a suggestion. Like his opinions and ideas weren't good enough. "W-we don't have to. I-I just thought it m-maybe w-would be kinda r-"

Josh interrupted Tyler with a kiss on the lips. "I love making out with you, Tyler. I promise you that. I love doing every single thing in the world with you. We can do whatever you want whenever you want, baby."

Tyler nodded, hugging Josh's neck.

"You wanna go snuggle inside, honey?" Josh asked.

Tyler nodded.

So the boys headed inside, Josh laying down on the couch with Tyler laying down next to him so they were spooning while they watched TV and held hands.

"Someday, we're going to be doing this naked. In a bed. Married. And it's gonna be soooooo wonderful," Josh smiled. "Do you know why?"


"Because you will officially be all mine forever and ever. And I'll be all yours forever and ever. And I'll have proposed to you already and I'll be your husband. And you'll be my husband."

"Y-you should g-get one o-of the shirts that says 'hubby' on them w-when we get married," Tyler smiled shyly.

Josh grinned and nodded. "We'll get matching ones. And we'll wear them around one day. And everyone will know you're my husband. And I'm your husband."

Tyler smiled and blushed, nodding his head.

He couldn't wait to marry Josh one day.

He couldn't wait to call him his husband and maybe eventually even have kids with him.

"When can you get married, Ty?" Josh asked as his boyfriend played with his fingers.

"W-when I'm 22."

"When can you get engaged?"

"I-I dunno. I-I guess anytime."

"Sooooo, I could like, propose to you soon?" Josh asked with a smile.

"Y-yes, I-I guess," Tyler said. "W-wait, a-are you going to right now?" He asked, starting to panic.

"No, baby," Josh chuckled, squeezing Tyler's hand. "Calm down. I don't even have a ring yet. But, if I proposed within like, the next year or two, you wouldn't be freaked out?"

Tyler shook his head. "N-no. I-I'd like it."

"A-a lot," he added a moment later.

Josh smiled widely and nodded, kissing the back of Tyler's ear. "Soon, baby. It'll happen soon. Promise."

Tyler nodded, closing his eyes as he soaked up the feeling of being wrapped in Josh's arms.

Josh made him feel safe. And loved. And worth something. And happy. And... just about every positive emotion.

"And we'll be married in five years," Josh mumbled with a grin.

Tyler smiled shyly.

"I'm gonna marry you so hard," Josh said with a chuckle. He was just as excited to marry Tyler and Tyler was to marry him.

Tyler giggled softly. "I-I'm g-gonna kiss you s-so hard."

Josh chuckled, that being the 'dirtiest' thing Tyler had probably ever said.

He knew their first time would be unlike anyone else's. But he was ok with that. He was ok knowing he'd have to explain sex to Tyler while they were doing it. He was ok knowing Tyler probably wouldn't ever have dirty talk down. He was ok knowing they'd only ever have sweet, slow sex.

As long as Tyler felt loved. That's all he wanted.

And when the big day came, that's what he got.

The end.

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