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"joshua, stop," tyler giggled as his boyfriend slid his hand up his thigh at the cafe they were at, waiting for his parents to arrive.

josh just mumbled something, sliding his hand higher and higher up his boyfriend's thigh, eventually reaching his member and starting to gently caress it.

"josh! tyler!" kelly grinned enthusiastically.

"h-hey, mom," tyler stuttered, blushing furiously at the hard-on in his pants.

"hey, kelly! hey chris!" josh grinned as if nothing happened, hugging them both.

little did they know, under the table the entire time, josh was gently palming his boyfriend through his skinny jeans, tyler constantly swiping him away and kicking his ankle even though he loved it.

eventually, they finished their meals and said their goodbyes, josh and tyler walking around the shops in town for the rest of the morning.

josh gently squeezed tyler's ass as they walked by victoria's secret, tyler blushing deeply.

"first off, we're in public, joshua! secondly, you know i don't like those things!" he said, referring to the panties inside the store.

josh giggled and shrugged. "doesn't mean you wouldn't look incredibly hot in them."

and the teasing only continued from there.

in every store, josh would hold his boyfriend from behind, kissing his neck and gently sucking on the spot behind tyler's ear that made him weak.

"you wanna go get dinner, honey?" josh asked as they walked down the street hand in hand.

tyler smiled and nodded, kissing his boyfriend's cheek and following him in to panera bread.

they finished their dinner, josh walking out grinning widely and tyler walking out behind him with a dark red face.

they got to the car and josh drove them home, palming his boyfriend the entire way there.

as soon as they got inside, tyler ran upstairs giggling, josh following him and laughing as well.

they jumped onto the bed, both now completely naked, josh straddling his boyfriend.

"why were you so mean to me today?" tyler pouted.

josh giggled. "how was i mean to you, baby?"

"you were teasing me in public," tyler said.

"would you rather me keep teasing you or get down to business?" josh grinned.

"make love to me, joshie," tyler said seductively.

josh blushed and nodded, getting harder at simply the voice of his boyfriend.

"whatever you say, baby."

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