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"Baby, we've gotta take you to the doctor," Josh said as he sat in the bathroom with his husband who was leaned over, his face in the toilet as he threw up for the fifth time that morning.

Tyler sniffled and nodded, wiping his mouth with a deep exhale.

Josh rubbed Tyler's back softly. "C'mon. Let's get you to the car."

He picked Tyler up and carried him to his own car, setting him in the passenger's seat and kissing his forehead before getting behind the wheel and driving.

He took Tyler to his primary care physician, feeling incredibly lucky there was no wait time and they were seen by the doctor immediately.

"So," the nurse said. "What seems to be going on?"

"I've thrown up every morning for the past two weeks," Tyler said weakly. "And I'm cold all the time and my feet and back hurt."

The nurse nodded, writing some things down. "Are you sexually active?"

Tyler blushed deeply and looked at Josh who laughed. "Frick yeah he is."

"Joshua William!" Tyler exclaimed.

The nurse chuckled lightly. "Don't worry. It's nothing I haven't heard before," she said. "When's the last time you two had sex?"

Josh slumped in his chair slightly.

"Last night," Tyler mumbled.

"Any unusual pain during intercourse?"

"My stomach hurts after," Tyler shrugged. "That's about it though."

"Alright," She said. "The doctor'll be in in a minute."

"Thank you," Tyler said as the nurse walked out.

He waited for the door to close before speaking up. "Frick yeah I'm sexually actively?! What the fuck, Josh?!"

Josh chuckled and stood up, walking over to his husband who was on the exam table and hugging him tightly, kissing his head. "It's the truuuuuuth. Ya can't lie to your doctor, mister."

"Oh, shut up," Tyler groaned.

Just then, the doctor entered. "Hey, guys," he smiled, shaking both of their hands.

"Hi," Tyler said, being kissed by Josh one more time before his husband took his seat again.

"So What seems to be the problem today?"

"I've been really sick in the mornings," Tyler explained. "And my back hurts and my feet are swollen."

The doctor nodded. "And it looks to me like the nurse already asked you about sexual activity?"

"Plenty about it," Tyler said.

The nurse chuckled. "Alright. I'm gonna have some lab work done. The phlebotomist will be in here in a second and she'll do the procedure. I'm gonna have you do a urine sample as well."

Tyler sighed. He hated needles. "Ok."

The doctor handed Tyler the cup to pee in, Tyler hanging his head shamefully.

"That's not to jerk off in, babe," Josh joked.

"Fuck you," Tyler groaned, exiting the room to go to the restroom.

The doctor just chuckled. "Now I know you probably don't want any more sex questions, but this is all just part of protocol. Do you use a condom during intercourse?"

"Nope," Josh said.

The doctor nodded, writing something down. "Are either of you at risk for an STD?"

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