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"U-um... J-Joshua?" Tyler asked quietly as he tapped his lab partner's shoulders. "W-would you like m-my notes?"

Josh looked over at Tyler and smiled softly. "That's so nice, Tyler. Thank you."

Tyler smiled shyly and nodded, sliding his notebook over to Josh so he could copy down the notes Tyler had taken, knowing it would help Josh.

Tyler knew Joshua had a learning disability. He was a smart boy, but he never seemed to comprehend the information when it wasn't presented in a specific way. Josh tried very hard at school, and Tyler had noticed.

"I-I think i-it's really cool t-that you're so determined in school," Tyler stuttered shyly.

Josh grinned and shrugged. "I mean... I kind of have to."

"S-still," Tyler said. "I-it's admirable."

"Thanks, Tyler," he smiled before continuing to copy down the notes. These were going to be a huge help to him. Maybe he actually wouldn't fail the test for once.


The next day, when Tyler walked into chemistry, there was a big sonic drink sitting on his desk. He noticed Josh was drinking one as well.

"I-is this yours?" Tyler asked, pointing to the drink.

"Nah," Josh grinned, shaking his head. "It's yours. I went through Sonic during lunch and thought getting you a drink was the least I could do for you letting me copy your notes."

"O-oh," Tyler smiled. No one had ever done something like that for him before. "T-thank you."


Two weeks later, it was Josh's birthday.

Tyler had thought it'd be nice to at least get him something.

When Josh walked in, there was a beautiful bag with tons of candies and small gifts inside. "Oh, wow, this is sick! Is this from you??"

Tyler nodded.

"Thank you so much, Tyler," Josh smiled. "Everyone else had forgotten my birthday. Even my family."

"W-why would they forget your birthday?" Tyler asked.

"I dunno."

"A-arent you having a party or something t-that they're helping put together?"

"No," Josh chuckled. "I'm not really one for parties. I-I was wondering, though, would you maybe wanna come over after school? T-to celebrate?"

Tyler smiled shyly. His crush wanted him to come over. "O-ok."

"Sick," Josh grinned. "I can't wait."

"M-me neither."

After school, Tyler and Josh walked to josh's house. It was empty.

"I'm home alone for the weekend," Josh said. After all, it was Friday. "My parents are in Vegas and my siblings are at friends houses."


"So what do you wanna do?" Josh grinned.

"I-I dunno. I-it's your birthday. Y-you pick."

"Wanna play Mario Kart?"

And so the boys played Mario Kart for hours, laughing and grinning the entire time.

"You have the cutest laugh," Josh smiled as Tyler was giggling.

Tyler blushed deeply and got even shyer.

"Wanna watch a movie, Tyler?"

Tyler nodded.

The boys watched The Notebook, Josh having confessed his secret love for cheesy romance movies, Tyler confessed his same love for them soon after.

They ordered a pizza and had a ton of fun. They had decided Tyler would just spend the next few nights at Josh's house. They were already best friends.

Around midnight, somehow, someway, the boys were all snuggled up to each other, Josh holding Tyler close.

He looked down at him and smiled, Tyler looking up at him and blushing shyly.

And before Tyler knew it, Josh was leaning downward, his lips pressing softly against his.

"I-I've never been kissed before," Tyler giggled shyly as he pulled back.

"It's ok," Josh smiled. "I haven't either."

Tyler blushed and quickly pressed his lips back against Josh's, this kiss being much deeper and more passionate.

"I like you, Tyler," Josh said between kisses. "I've liked you since the first day I saw you."

"I-I like you too, Joshua," Tyler said shyly. He hugged Josh's neck tightly, unable to keep from smiling.

"Do you wanna be my boyfriend?"

Tyler smiled even wider and nodded, kissing Josh again before they fell back into the couch together, each boy's lips against the others.

So instead of a shy smile every day when they walked into chemistry, a kiss was exchanged.

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