Size Difference/Sweet

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Josh was big.

That's how he got the nickname 'Big Boy.'

He was 6'4", 230 lbs, with rock-hard abs. He had the perfect body.

And his boyfriend, Tyler, was small.

Smaller than average.

He was about 5'9", maybe 5'10", weighed around 145 lbs, and was very skinny. A twink, some might call him.

But, their love for one another was incredible. They had never loved anyone as much as they loved each other.

Typically, Josh didn't show much affection towards anyone, wanting to be seen as an incredibly tough, intimidating guy. But, Tyler made his heart melt.

Tyler made him smile and giggle and blush and give hugs and cuddle him and an overall just happier person. He had never been so happy.

He made Tyler the happiest he had ever been, too.

Both boys were on cloud 9 with each other.

They had been dating for three years now, and Josh was over at Tyler's apartment, cooking his boyfriend dinner.

Tyler smiled and hugged his boyfriend's arm while he watched him cook, smiling up at him and pulling him down while getting on his toes to kiss him.

They had a big height difference, so when they kissed, josh had to lean downwards while Tyler got up on his toes. But, a lot of the time, Josh just ended up picking Tyler up and holding him in his arms while they kissed.

Josh continued making dinner, giggling as Tyler put on a apron. "Why do you have on an apron, baby? You know I'm not letting you cook. Tonight's alllllll about you. But, I must say, you do look reeeeeeeally cute like that."

Tyler blushed and smiled shyly. "I thought we'd be matching boyfrens."

Josh smiled widely and nodded, kissing Tyler forehead. "And one day, we'll be matching hubbies."

Tyler grinned from ear to ear, wrapping his arms around Josh's neck. "Can't wait for that day."

"Me neither, honey," Josh smiled, kissing his boyfriend's hair. "Me neither."

And so the boys ate their meal and did the dishes together, snuggling up on the couch and watching a movie.

"Can you spend the night tonight?" Tyler mumbled into josh's ear as his boyfriend wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"Sure, baby," Josh smiled, kissing Tyler's forehead. "I've always wanted to spend the night with you."

Tyler smiled and blushed, nodding his head shyly.

Josh continued looking at his boyfriend with a wide smile, wondering how he got so lucky.

"Joshieee," Tyler giggled. "Stop staringgg."

"I haven't seen you in a week, babyyy," Josh said, pulling his boyfriend into his lap with great ease. "Let me look at your beauuuutiful face."

Tyler smiled and blushed deeper.

Josh grinned and ran his hands up and down Tyler's sides. "And that beauuuutiful body."

Tyler blushed even deeper, covering his face with his hands.

Josh chuckled and hugged his boyfriend tightly.

"Do you wanna go to my room?" Tyler asked after a little bit. "We can spread out while we snuggle on the bed."

Josh grinned and nodded.

He loved how his boyfriend always said 'snuggle' instead of 'cuddle.'

He followed tyler to his room, holding his hand as he walked behind him.

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