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"Shhh, baby, it's ok. You're ok," Josh told his panicking fiancé as they sat in his car in the parking lot, josh gently rubbing up and down Tyler's arm. "I'm gonna be with you the whole time, holding your hand. This is really, really gonna help you, baby."

Tyler sniffled and wiped his eyes with his right hand while Josh held his left.

"I love you so so so much, baby. I wouldn't have you come if I didn't think it was going to help. There's nothing to be scared of, Ty. She's just going to talk to you about what you're feeling and from there, she'll prescribe you some medicine. That's all," josh promised.

Tyler sniffled but had to trust his fiancé, so he agreed, allowing Josh to walk him inside.

"W-what if she thinks I'm crazy, Joshie?" Tyler whispered in josh's ear as he sniffled. "W-what if she sends me away a-and we never see each other again a-and we don't get married an-"

Josh shut tyler up with a kiss on the lips. "She isn't going to think you're crazy, Tyler. You aren't crazy. She's not going to send you away, baby. And even if she tried to, I wouldn't let her. Don't worry, baby. You're gonna be perfectly fine. We can go home and snuggle right after this," Josh promised.

"Promise?" Tyler sniffled.

"I promise, baby," Josh smiled reassuringly, pulling his fiancé in for a tight hug. "I love you, Tyler."

"I love you too," Tyler mumbled into josh's shoulder, hugging his fiancé tightly back.

"Mr. Joseph?" A lady then called into the waiting room. Tyler's eyes widened and he started to hyperventilate.

"Breathe, baby. I'm right here with you," josh said, leading Tyler to the door where the lady was standing.

"Hi, I'm Dr. Shaw," the woman smiled, extending her hand.

"I'm Joshua," Josh smiled back, shaking her hand. "And this is Tyler, my fiancé."

"H-hi," Tyler said quietly, not looking up. He didn't shake her hand either since it would require his hand to leave josh's.

"Nice to meet you both," she smiled, informing them to follow her back to her office.

She had a large desk with a Mac computer as well as many papers in organized stacks, a wheely chair behind it. In front of it sat two big, comfy chairs.

"Have a seat," she smiled, gesturing towards the two chairs.

Tyler took one, and Josh took the other, their hands never separating.

"So, What brings you in?" She asked.

"Ty's just been... sad, I guess. And really nervous," Josh said.

"Ok, so, define sad," the doctor said.

Tyler shrugged. "I dunno. I-I just don't have any motivation and life seems pointless."

It really hurt josh to hear those words, and he felt guilty. He felt he should be giving tyler a reason to live.

"And how long has this been going on?" Dr. Shaw asked.

"Um... t-ten years, I think," Tyler said quietly. "B-but the last year or so has been really bad."

"And do you have thoughts of hurting yourself?" She asked.

Tyler gulped, looking down at his shoes.

Josh squeezed his hand. "C'mon, baby. You can do it. Just be honest."

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