Honeymoon Jealousy

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Joshua Dun and his newly-wedded husband Tyler Joseph-Dun were relaxing on the calm beaches of Hawaii. They had just been married two days prior.

"I'm gonna go get us some drinks, baby," Tyler said after he turned on his side in the sand to face his husband.

Josh smiled and nodded. "Ok. I'll miss you."

Tyler blushed and smiled shyly. "I'll miss you more."

Josh grinned and kissed Tyler's lips before allowing his husband to get up, laying back with his hands behind his bed.

When Tyler returned with two drinks in hand, he noticed several girls pointing at Joshua with theirs mouths wide open, whispering.

Tyler furrowed his eyebrows, looking at Joshua to see if he was okay. He was. He looked as gorgeous as ever. His rock hard abs, beautiful tattoos, hot gauges, his eyes lightly shut with a soft smile on his lips.

As Tyler got closer to Josh, he could hear the girls better.

"Oh my god, he's gorgeous."

"Holy shit, he's hot as fuck! He's all alone, too. I should make a move."

Tyler quickly got to his husband, plopping down on top of him, making Josh grunt at the sudden impact but soon laugh.

"Hi, Ty," he grinned up at his husband.

Tyler said nothing. He only leaned forward and pressed a long, deep kiss to his lips. Much more passionate than he usually would if they were in public.

"What was that for?" Josh grinned as he pulled back. "Not saying I didn't absolutely love it..."

"Those girls were calling you hot and saying they were going to try and get your number," Tyler said, handing Josh his drink. "They're gone now."

Josh grinned widely, kissing his husband's forehead. "Protective Ty. I like it."

Tyler blushed and smiled. They clinked their glasses together then drank their cocktails, snuggling up as they watched the beautiful ocean waves crash against the sand.

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