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"I'm sorry, baby," Josh said, standing up and moving closer to his fiancé. "What did you say?"




"I don't know what that means, honey."


Josh furrowed his eyebrows and took out his phone, looking up 'crocs.'

"Ohhhhh, Crocs like the shoe?"


"Is that a yes?"


"I'm gonna assume that's a yes."


"What about Crocs, Ty?"


"Can you say anything other than Crocs?"


"Why are you saying Crocs?"




"Do you want Crocs?"


"I'll go get you some crocs, Tyler," Josh sighed.

Tyler was going to be kept in the hospital for at least three more days after having already been in there for two, and the anesthesia from his surgery hadn't worn off just quite yet. He knew he couldn't take Tyler saying 'Crocs' for 72 more hours, so he thought it would be easiest to just go get his fiancé the shoes.

Once he got to the store, that was nearly 45 minutes away, he found a pair of white crocs in Tyler's size. "These are the ugliest damn things I have ever seen," he mumbled to himself.

 "These are the ugliest damn things I have ever seen," he mumbled to himself

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As he was walking to the checkout counter, he saw a bunch of little charms. He immediately knew Tyler would want some because when he was loopy, he demanded to be very high-fashion. And apparently, Crocs were very fashionable to loopy Tyler.

He FaceTimed Tyler, his fiancé picking up the phone and holding it way too close to his face.

"Whoa," Josh said in surprise as he saw how close Tyler was to the camera. "Hi babe."


"Yeah, I got your crocs," Josh said, holding them up. "They have these little things you can put on them or whatever. Do you want some?" He asked, turning the camera so the different charms were now pictured.


"I need specifics, babe."


"Whatever. You get the finding dory ones. Bye," he said, ending the call.

So he bought the ugly shoes and the charms, driving back to the hospital to give them to his fiancé

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So he bought the ugly shoes and the charms, driving back to the hospital to give them to his fiancé.

"Crocs!" Tyler exclaimed excitedly as Josh walked in.

Joshua couldn't help but smile. "Yes, baby. I got your crocs."

He helped a very uncoordinated Tyler put the charms into the holes of the shoes before sliding them on his feet, the loopy boy very excited.

As soon as the nurse walked in, he screamed.


"I see, Mr. Joseph," she giggled. "Are those new?"

"Crocs," Tyler said casually.

Josh just sighed and buried his face in his hand. His fiancé was the weirdest thing sometimes. But always the cutest and most amazing.

"Ok, well, you'll have to take your crocs off in a few minutes. We're going to do another MRI."

"C-Crocs?" Tyler asked, tears in his eyes.

"Yeah, baby," Josh said, getting up from his chair and slipping his hand into Tyler's. "No crocs for the MRI. But you can have them back right after."


"I'll keep them safe, honey. Don't worry."

"Crocs," Tyler said, pointing down at Josh's feet.

"Oh hell no. I'm not wearing those things."

Tyler burst out crying.

"Okay! Okay! I'll wear the damn crocs!"

Tyler sniffled and wiped his eyes. "C-Crocs."

So Josh put on the shoes and helped wheel Tyler to the MRI room. He helped them lift him up onto the table and set him down.

He started crying. "C-Crocs..."

"You'll get your crocs back in just a few minutes, Mr. Joseph," the nurse said, putting a blanket over Tyler.

"See, baby? I've got them on. Nobody's gonna take them," Josh said. "Okay. I love you. I'll see you in a little bit."

As soon as he left the room, he took the crocs off.

Those things were just so damn ugly.

But loopy Tyler thought they were beautiful.

About twenty minutes later, Tyler finished the MRI and returned to his room in the hospital. "Crocs?" He asked as soon as he was wheeled into the room and saw Josh.

"Right here, baby," Josh said, helping get Tyler onto his bed before putting the shoes on his fiancé.

"Crocs," Tyler smiled contently before drifting into a peaceful sleep.


Two days later, Tyler finally wasn't loopy anymore.

"Joshua?" He asked groggily. "What's on my feet?"

"Crocs," Josh chuckled.


"You wouldn't stop talking about them so I bought you some."

"They're ugly."

"They really are."

"Ima keep 'em though."

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