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"Somebody's a tired princess," Tyler giggled as his daughter yawned while she laid in his arms. "You sleepy, sweet girl?"

The two month old just yawned again, her eyes closing lightly.

Tyler smiled softly down at her, absolutely in love with his little girl. He carried her upstairs to give her a bath, wrapping her in her adorable little pink towel that made her look like a giraffe when he put the hood up.

He took a picture and sent it to his boyfriend, pocketing his phone before heading to Ruby's nursery so she could get some sleep.

He sat down in the rocking chair in her room, rocking back and forth as he hummed to her softly. Though, he was interrupted by a text after a few minutes.

Joshua Dun: wait!!! don't put her to bed yet!! I got her a present!!!

Tyler Joseph: awww, that's so sweet. I'll try to keep her awake. no promises, though.

Joshua Dun: I'll be there in 15 minutes!!

Tyler was a single dad. His ex husband had become abusive towards him, and when he finally got out, the adoption agency decided to give Tyler full custody of Ruby. Joshua was his boyfriend who was so sweet and caring towards both Tyler and his daughter.

About ten minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

Tyler carried Ruby downstairs and opened it, smiling as he saw his boyfriend.

"Hi, Joshua."

"Hi beautiful Ty," Josh grinned, stepping inside and kissing his boyfriend's forehead. "Hello, sweet Ruby," he smiled softly down at the girl.

"Sorry I couldn't make it for dinner tonight," Josh said.

"It's okay, honey," Tyler smiled, kissing Josh's cheek. "I think RuRu missed you, though," he giggled. "She kept looking around like something was missing."

Josh grinned and took Ruby into his arms, smiling widely as he gently bounced her. "Did you miss me? Did you miss me, princess? I missed you too. I missed you and your daddy sooooooo much."

Tyler smiled softly. His boyfriend's love for his daughter was so precious.

"I brought a fren for you, sweet RuRu!" Josh smiled excitedly, holding ruby in one arm while he used the other to reach into the bag he had brought in, pulling out a little stuffed lamb.

Ruby smiled widely, reaching her arms up as Josh held it above her. "You like it, RuRu??"

Ruby giggled as Josh gave her the lamb, snuggling with it before falling asleep a minute later.

"You're so sweet, Joshua," Tyler smiled softly, kissing his forehead. "She's going to be snuggling that thing for a long time."

"And I'm gonna be snuggling you for a long time," Josh giggled, kissing Tyler's forehead in return.

Tyler blushed and smiled shyly.

"But let's get Miss Ruby to bed first," Josh chuckled, following Tyler to the baby's nursery, setting her gently in her crib.

"Goodnight, sweet girl," Tyler said softly, kissing the baby's forehead. "Daddy loves you."

"Night night, RuRu," Josh grinned, waving to her even though she was asleep. "Sleep dreams."

The boys then softly shut the door to Ruby's room before they headed downstairs to the living room so they could snuggle up on the couch.

"So," Josh grinned as his boyfriend sat in his lap. "How was your day, beautiful?"

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