daddy's home pt. 2

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"mmm... i missed you so much, joshie," tyler moaned as his husband thrusted in and out of him.

"i missed you more, ty-" josh was cut off by his own involuntary moan.

"daddies!" ruby squealed as she opened the door to her parents bedroom. "gus gus and i made you gifts!"

"THEY GOOD GIFTS TOO!" augustus yelled with a grin.

tyler and josh both immediately turned red, josh pulling out of his husband and plopping down beside him, making sure the blankets were covering both their obvious hard-on's.

"oh, t-that's so sweet, guys!" tyler said. "d-daddies are having daddy-daddy time right now, c-can we get the gifts later?"

"DADDIES GET GIFTS RIGHT NOW!" gus exclaimed, crawling onto the bed and plopping down in tylers lap.

"gus! they're havin secks! we can't interrupt them!" ruby exclaimed, picking her tubby baby brother up off tylers lap and setting him on the ground.

"we WHAT?!" tyler exclaimed.

josh bursted into laughter.

"how do you know what sex is?!" tyler asked.

"i heard you guys bein reeeeally loud last year and the bed was squeaking so i looked up what it could be and there it was," ruby said casually. "carry on!" she then waddled with her baby brother out the door, closing it behind them.

josh was still laughing, tyler just being red in embarrassment.

"jeez..." josh giggled, crawling back on top of his husband.

"what are you doing?!"

"you're hard, i'm hard, there's really only one solution here," josh grinned pushing into his husband.

tyler giggled and leaned back, allowing his husband to take charge.

they both came a few minutes later, showering together which meant a long, steamy make-out session, adding on thirty minutes to their time. but, eventually, they finished, got dressed and went downstairs to find the kids.

"HAPPY BURFDAY!" gus exclaimed as he saw his parents walking down the stairs.

"gus! it isn't their birthdays!" ruby giggled. "you're suppose to say 'welcome home!' we rehearsed that for like then minutes!"

gus sighed defeatedly, informing his parents to go back upstairs so he could try again.

so, this time, tyler and josh walked down the stairs, only to hear "HAPPY BURFDAY!" once again.

so, they tried it once again, and gus finally remembered to say "WELCOME HOME!"

josh giggled and picked the toddler up, kissing his cheek. "thank you, gus gus."

tyler picked ruby up, the girl giggling and hugging him tightly. "wanna see our gifts???"

tyler smiled and nodded.

ruby hopped down and toddled into her room, coming out with two bracelets with beads on them, one reading 'tyty' and the other reading 'jishjish'.

"awwww! these are soooo sweet!" tyler exclaimed.

"they're family bracelets!" ruby grinned. "gus gus has one and so do i. now everyone will know we're a family!"

"awww, you guys are too adorable," josh smiled, kissing the top of both his children's heads.

"i have the most perfect family in the world," tyler sighed happily, hugging all his family members closely.

the joseph-duns were back together, and everyone would know it.

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