Your Husband is in the Street

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"Hey, Josh," Joshua's neighbor Dallon said into the phone. "Uh... yeah, I just wanted to let you know your husband is currently riding a big tricycle type thing down the street. Just in case you were wondering where he was."

Josh sighed and shook his head. "I have lunch in an hour. I'll come get him then. He isn't like... being a disturbance or anything, right?"

"His screaming is a bit loud but other than that he's fine," Dallon replied.

"His screaming?? Is he hurt??"

"No," Dallon said, confusedly looking out the window at Tyler who was laughing his head off and shrieking in joy. "He's just really happy."

"Yeah, he gets like that. Okay, I'll come get him in about an hour. Just let him do his thing, I guess. Thanks, Dallon."


"Babe," Josh sighed as he pulled up next to his husband who was still pedaling away in circles, giggling uncontrollably. "What are you doing?"

"Befriending my bike."

"Where are you going to go with your bike?"

"To the store."

"Babe, you cant go on the highway on a tricycle."

"I better be able to," Tyler said. "I sold my car for this thing."

"You WHAT?!"

"I love my bike," Tyler said, ringing the bell on the handle.

"I'm glad you like your bike, babe," Josh said. "But you fucking sold your car for it?!"


Josh just sighed.

"I can do tricks on it, too."


"Wanna see my tricks?"

"No, not really."

"Ok watch me do my tricks," Tyler said, pedaling forward before quickly turning, taking his feet and hands off the tricycle, bursting into laughter.

"Ok watch me do my tricks," Tyler said, pedaling forward before quickly turning, taking his feet and hands off the tricycle, bursting into laughter

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He then pedaled back over to Josh's car with a wide smile, looking up at his husband. "Did you like my trick?"

"Sure, babe," Josh sighed. "Please tell me you didn't spend all the money from selling your car on that thing...."

"Nooooo, Joshie. I'm not stupid," Tyler said.

"And what do you plan on doing with the left over money?"

"Buying you a bike too."

"No no no," Josh said. "You are not buying another bike. One is more than enough."

"I already ordered it..."

"Oh my god," Josh groaned.

"It gets here next Tuesday. You can just ride with me until it comes," Tyler said.

"I gotta go back to work," Josh said, unable to maintain patience with Tyler. He put his car in reverse, starting to back up.

"Noooooo, don't leave me!" Tyler pouted, pedaling towards his husband's car.

"Ok, babe," Josh said. "You can keep riding your bike but you can't be so loud, ok? Three neighbors called within the past hour because they were concerned."

"Who was it?? I'll buy them bikes too."

"No. No more bikes."

"Yes. Yes more bikes," Tyler replied.

"Whatever. I'm leaving."

"Will you get another bell for my bike on your way home tonight?" Tyler called as Josh drove away.

"Not a chance, Tyler."

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