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"It looks like the only day we have available is Wednesday," the doctor said as he looked through his computer. "We're completely booked out for the following two months after that. The only reason this is open is because the patient canceled."

"Can you do it tomorrow?" Josh asked.

"What? Joshua, no. You are not going to have a major surgery with only one day's notice," Tyler said.

"But Wednesday's our anniversary," Josh said. "I don't wanna miss it."

"Baby, that's so so so sweet," Tyler said, kissing the side of his husband's head. "But I really think you need more than just one day's notice."

"Please, Ty?"

"You'll still be in the hospital," the doctor pointed out. "Just, you'll be awake and will have already undergone the surgery. I do suppose I could move some things around to have it done tomorrow."

"Joshua..." Tyler started.

"Pleeeeeease, Tyler? It's our first anniversary married. That only happens once," Josh said.

Tyler sighed. He wasn't sure what to do. His husband was having brain surgery. The least he could do was allow Josh to pick the date. "Alright..."


Tyler was a nervous wreck on Tuesday. This operation was incredibly high-risk.

It was a long surgery, too. About eight hours.

He just wanted Josh to be holding him again.

Eight hours later, Josh was in the post-op room, waking up from the anesthesia.

"Joshie?" Tyler said softly as he saw his husband trying to open his eyes.

"Husband," Josh replied, reaching out for Tyler.

Tyler crawled into the hospital bed with his husband, kissing his cheek softly. "How do you feel, baby?"

"Husband..." Josh said again.

"Good? Do you feel okay?"

"Husband," Josh repeated, nuzzling his nose in Tyler's neck.

"He'll be kind of out of it for the next few days," the doctor informed Tyler. "That's why were keeping him here for a week."


The next day was Josh and Tyler's anniversary.

Josh was still kind of in his own little world, but he could at least now say things other than 'husband.'

"Hi, Joshie," Tyler smiled softly as he entered the room with a bunch of flowers and balloons.

Josh gasped excitedly. "Balloons," he said with a soft, sleepily smile.

"Yeah, baby," Tyler grinned. "Balloons."

He crawled into bed and snuggled with him, Josh still acting quite funny.

About an hour later, there was a knock on the door. When Tyler opened it, no one was there, but when he looked down, he saw a huge bouquet of 100 roses. Attached was a card.

'My dear love,

I know I'm probably going to be loopy on our anniversary, so I decided to just pre-order flowers for you.

I love you so, so much, and thank you for making this the best year of my life.

I look forward to our make-up anniversary when I'm back to normal.

All my love,

Tyler smiled widely and teared up, carrying the flowers inside.

"Who brought husband flower?" Josh asked.

"You did, honey," Tyler sniffled with a smile. "Goodness, you're so sweet. I love you so much."

"Joshie did not buy flower."

"Yes you did, baby," Tyler giggled. "Look at the card. It says Joshua."

"That's me!" Josh gasped.

Tyler giggled and kissed Josh's lips softly. "I love you, Joshua. I can't wait for our make-up anniversary either."

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