On the Beach

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"Joshieee," Tyler giggled as he tried to pull away from his husband's neck kisses. "Stahhhhp."

Josh grinned and pulled tyler closer. "Ohhh, c'mon, baby. It's our honeymoon. We've gotta do something a little crazy..."

"I'm not getting naked on a beach!" Tyler exclaimed.

"Just slide you swimsuit over your ass and I'll pull my dick out. We won't even be completely naked."

"Joshua William! Graphic!" Tyler exclaimed.

Josh laughed and hugged his husband tighter. "Sorry, hubby. I forgot you don't like it when I say 'ass' and 'dick.'"


"C'mon, baby! It's completely dark, literally no one is around, it'll be fun with a little bit of risk!"

Tyler sighed. "You better be gentle."

"When am I ever not gentle with my baby?" Josh grinned, pushing Tyler onto his back.

"That's true, I guess," Tyler giggled, wrapping his arms around josh's neck and pulling him in for a kiss.

Josh held Tyler's sides as they made out, both boys smiling widely.

"Oh, shit. We don't have lube," Josh pouted.

Tyler giggled and shrugged. "You stretched me pretty well last night. We should be fine."

Josh raised his eyebrows. "You sure?"

Tyler nodded. "Mhm."

Josh grinned and nodded, starting to slide his swim trunks off.

"Ok, baby. I'm gonna take yours off now," he told his husband.

Tyler looked around. No one was there.

He lifted his hips as a silent 'ok,' allowing Josh to slide them off.

Josh pumped himself a few times while continuing to kiss his husband, grinning widely as Tyler suddenly took his member in his hand and started giving him a hand job.

Eventually, Josh was as hard as possible, and he started pushing into his new husband. Tyler whimpered in pain quietly, but Josh helped him through it.

Soon, Tyler told Josh he could move, so he started slowly thrusting in and out of him.

To them, there was a difference between fucking and making love.

And they always, always chose making love.

They smiled and kissed and moaned softly, holding each other's hands tightly as they came closer and closer to finishing.

"I love you, Joshua," Tyler said as he started to come, squeezing his husband's hands twice.

It had always been their sign that they were finishing.

"I love you too, baby- oh, fuck," Josh moaned as he started to come as well, letting go of one of Tyler's hands and jerking his husband off.

"Oh, Joshie!" Tyler moaned at the sudden contact, biting his lip in pleasure.

Josh thought his husband looked sexy as fuck like that, his head tilted back as he bites his lip, moaning, completely lost in pleasure.

Eventually, both boys came down from their highs, Josh remaining inside of Tyler as they both just held each other for a minute.

Though, a couple minutes later, Tyler opened his eyes and gasped. "Put your clothes on!" He exclaimed quietly.

"What?? Why??"


"Shit!" Josh said through gritted teeth, quickly putting his swim shorts back on as Tyler did the same, putting his arm around his husband's shoulders so they looked as natural as possible.

"Play it cool," he whispered in Tyler's ear as the cop approached.

"Gentlemen," he said.

"Oh, hi officer," Josh smiled.

"Can I ask what you're doing out here so late at night?"

"Well, we just got married," josh said with a wide smile, kissing his husband's cheek. "And we wanted to take a little evening stroll. But, Ty's legs got a bit tired so we decided to sit down and take a quick break."

The officer squinted his eyes in thought but then shook his head. "Alright. Happy honeymoon," he said before walking back to his car.

"Thank you!" Josh smiled, waving until the cop was gone.

"That was close," josh sighed.

"Yeah," Tyler said.

"Round two back at the hotel?"

"Sure, babe," Tyler giggled.

Josh grinned and stood up, extending his hand to his husband. Tyler smiled and took josh's hand, allowing him to pull him up.

They walked hand in hand back to the hotel, Josh giggling as Tyler complained about sand being 'in parts only his husband is allowed to touch,' adoring his sweet, innocent husband.

"We're gonna get sand all in the bed if we have sex on it," Tyler pouted.

"So let's hit the shower together," Josh smirked. "Get dirty while we're getting clean."

Tyler blushed deeply and giggled, covering his face with his hands.

"C'mon, baby," Josh chuckled, walking with his arm around his husband's waist to the bathroom. "Lets get round two done so we can start a round three actually in bed."

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