Smile for the Camera

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"Here, babe," Josh grinned, handing his husband his phone. "Hold this."

"What? Josh, we're about to have sex and you really think it's a good time to make a phone call?" Tyler asked.

"No, baby," Josh chuckled. "Film it."

"Film What?"


"Doing What?"

"Having sex."

"Joshua William that is not happening!" Tyler exclaimed.

"What?? Why not??"

"there are so many things that could go wrong.  Our iCloud could get hacked, you could accidentally click on it when showing someone something from your camera roll, you could post it on accident, the list goes on and on."

"Alright, baby. Fine. You have a point. But... what if... just this time you Film it, we watch it afterwards, have sex again, then delete it?"


"What do you say?" Josh asked with his eyebrows raised.

"Fineee," Tyler giggled.

Josh grinned widely. "Great."

Tyler set the phone down for the time being.

He'd turn it on when he was ready.


About thirty minutes later, Tyler was on his belly, josh thrusting in and out of him from behind.

"Oh, baby..." Tyler moaned, fumbling for the phone so he could start recording. "Oh, J, please..."

Josh continued thrusting in and out with more force, pressing kisses to his boyfriend's spine.

"Oh, fuck yeah. Cum inside me, babe," Tyler moaned, pushing his ass up.

Josh groaned at the words and sight, thrusting even harder than before.

"Baby... oh, Josh... oh god," Tyler continued, reaching his hand around to find josh's to hold while they came simultaneously.

They both came down from their highs, Josh collapsing beside Tyler. He gently took the phone from his boyfriend's hand and replayed the video.

"Holy fuck, that's hot..." Josh said as he watched the video.

Tyler just pouted, wanting attention from his boyfriend.

Josh chuckled and pulled Tyler into his lap, continuing to watch the video.

"Sooooo smexy, TyTy," Josh giggled as he rubbed his nose against Tyler's cheek.

Tyler giggled and blushed, hugging his boyfriend tightly. "Put it on a flash drive or somethin," he mumbled. "That's not staying on your phone."

"Oh, yes it is."

"No it isn't," Tyler said.

"Yes it is."

"Do you want people seeing my bare ass? Or my dick?" Tyler asked with his eyebrows.

"Noooo. Only I'm allowed to see you naked."

"Mhm. Then I'd delete the thing before you get hacked."


"Oof is right," Tyler said sassily.

Josh sighed.

Tyler giggled and kissed his boyfriend's nose. "Well, I love you. I'm going to bed."

"You don't wanna watch the video???"

"I'm tired, Jishwaaaaa," Tyler said, patting his boyfriend's belly and kissing his lips. "G'night. I love you."

"Love you too, TyTy," Josh said, kissing his boyfriend's forehead and holding him close with one arm while the other held the phone, watching how sexy Tyler looked on video while they were having sex.

So, of course, in true Josh fashion, he went to the bathroom and jerked off to it before returning to the bed with his boyfriend.

He transferred the video to a flash drive so he'd always have it, then deleted it from his phone.

He knew Tyler would want to see it the next morning.

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