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"Joshie, we really shouldn't do this here," Tyler giggled quietly as his boyfriend straddled him under the covers.

"We're fine, baby," Josh said. "Nobody can get in here. Only we have keys. We're gonna have so much fun making love, hm?"

"O-ok," Tyler giggled shyly.

Josh smiled widely and kissed Tyler's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

"No, baby. Like, I really love you."

"I really love you too."

"I want you to spend the rest of your life with me," Josh said.

"W-what? J-Joshie I-"

"I know we're only 17, baby. I know. But I really do think you're the one," Josh said, his fingers intertwining with Tyler's.

"A-are y-you-"

"No, baby," Josh chuckled. "I'm not proposing. But, I was wondering, if I did ask you within the next few years, how would you feel?"

"G-given my latest dream involved us honeymooning, I-I'd be pretty happy," Tyler said shyly.

Josh smiled widely. "Should we wait for our wedding night, then, love?"

Tyler shrugged. "It's up to you."

"What's going to mean more to you?" Josh asked, knowing sex always had a big meaning to Tyler.

"I-I wanna do it at home," Tyler said. "A-and Be not on a bunk bed. A-and have roses a-and candles a-and stuff."

Josh smiled and nodded, kissing Tyler's lips softly. "I will make sure that happens, dear."

Tyler smiled shyly and kissed Josh back. "Thank you, Joshua."

"It's gonna be so romantic," Josh grinned, sliding off Tyler's lap so he was now snuggling him. "It's not gonna be like everyone else's first time. All painful and awkward or whatever. It's gonna be perfect. I'll make sure of it."

Tyler blushed and smiled. How did he get so lucky?

"A-are you sure you're ok waiting?"

"I am perfectly ok with whatever you decide to do," Josh said. "I mean, I'm perfect right now. I get snuggles and a view of your perfect naked body? I'm living the dream."


"Don't even try to argue with me," Josh chuckled. "You are absolutely beautiful. Stunning. Perfect. Inside and out."

"Joshua William," Tyler said shyly.

"I can't wait to call you my husband one da-"

He was interrupted by a knock at the door.

"Shit. Put your pants on," Josh said quietly before getting up and quickly slipping on some joggers and a shirt to open the door.

"Hey!" Dallon exclaimed. "We're all heading down to the lake. Do you guys wanna join?"

Josh looked back at Tyler. The boys had really enjoyed just being alone and talking.

"Ty isn't feeling too great," Josh lied. "I think we're just gonna stay here. Thanks, though! Have fun!"

"Aw, feel better Tyler!" Dallon smiled, waving goodbye before heading out.

Josh let out a sigh of relief and locked the door, both boys immediately getting naked again.

"So, basically, we have the whole camp to ourselves for the night," Josh grinned.

"It's not like we're gonna move anyway," Tyler giggled.

"True," Josh chuckled. "Very true. But, if for some reason, something were to happen. Let's just say the moans could be as loud as we please."

"Joshua William! Not appropriate!"

"I'm just saying!" Josh laughed, throwing his hands up in defense.

"You better snuggle me so I forgive you," Tyler pouted.

"What if I don't snuggle you?"

"No kisses."

"Will I still get huggies?"


"Awwwwww, man."

"Please snuggle me, Joshie," Tyler said.

Josh chuckled and pulled Tyler into his arms. "I knew that wouldn't last long."

"Neither would you if we were to do it."

"Hold on," Josh said. "Did I just hear a dirty joke leave Tyler Joseph's mouth? Something about sex leaving my innocent boyfriend's mouth?"


"Whoaaa. I didn't realize I was dating such a dirty bean," Josh said, trying to suppress a laugh at how adorable Tyler was thinking he was a true rebel.

"Do you know what a blowjob is?"


"Dang it," Tyler said quietly.

"What about a handjob?"  He said a few minutes later.


"Dang it."

"That's all you know, isn't it?" Josh giggled, tickling Tyler's sides.

"Yep," Tyler giggled, kissing Josh's lips.

"Hey, I think you're absolutely precious. Whether you're 'dirty' or not," Josh said.

Tyler smiled shyly and kissed Josh's nose. "I love you."

"I love you too," Josh grinned, rubbing his nose against Tyler's. "Where do you wanna go for our honeymoon?"

"Could we stay home?"

Josh laughed. "Only you would want to stay home for your honeymoon."

Tyler smiled shyly and shrugged. "I-I'd like just living with you normally."

"You just wanna do it because we could make the bedroom all romantic for when we make love," Josh grinned, poking Tyler's belly.

"Pretty much," Tyler admitted.

"You're precious, Tyler," Josh smiled. "Absolutely precious."

Tyler smiled shyly and kissed Josh's lips, Josh grinning as he leaned forward and deepened the kiss.

"What does sex mean to you, Joshie?" Tyler asked as he pulled back.

"Making the boy of my dreams feel good and loved," Josh said as he gently ran his fingers through Tyler's hair. "And getting to connect with him in a whole new way by doing something only we'll ever do together."

Tyler smiled shyly, burying his face in Josh's chest. "I love you."

"I love you more, Tyler," Josh smiled, holding his boyfriend close.

"I-I'm gonna go to sleep," Tyler said.

Josh couldn't help but smile at how adorably awkward his boyfriend was. "Alright, baby. Go to sleep. Sweet dreams."

"Y-you're gonna stay here, r-right?"

"Of course, Ty," Josh said. "You couldn't pay me enough to leave this bed."

Tyler smiled shyly and nodded, kissing Josh's chin before snuggling back into his chest, letting his warmth pull him into his peaceful dreamland.

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