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"Daddies! Daddies!" Ruby exclaimed, running into Josh and Tyler's room. "The easter bunny came!!!"

Tyler groaned as he buried his face in Josh's chest, absolutely exhausted from being up so late getting Ruby's easter surprise ready.

Josh laughed lightly and kissed his husband's forehead before turning on his side so he was looking at his daughter. "Really? What'd he bring you?"

"Lotsa chocolate and stuffies and cool stuff," she said, crawling up on the bed and sitting down on top of Josh.

Josh grunted slightly at the sudden pressure but laughed. "Did you check the yard?" He grinned.

Ruby shook her head.

"Lets get TyTy up then go see," he said.

Ruby smiled and nodded.

"TyTyyyyyy," Josh giggled as he poked his husband's belly. "Wake upppp. The easter bunny cameeee."

Tyler squinted his eyes at Josh sassily, smiling as he saw Ruby. "There's my princess," he grinned, picking her up from Josh's belly and setting her on his.

"Hi daddy," Ruby smiled, kissing his nose. "Happy easter."

"Happy easter, sweetheart," he grinned. "And Happy easter to you, too, Joshua William," he smiled, turning over and bit and kissing his husband's lips.

"Happy easter, honey," Josh chuckled as he pulled back from the kiss.

"Did I hear the easter bunny left something in the yard?" Tyler asked.

"Mmmmmmhm," she grinned.

"Let's go."

When the three walked out to the backyard, Ruby screamed. "ITS A SWINGSET!!! DADDIES, LOOK!" She yelled, wriggling out of Josh's arms and running to the play set. "AND A SLIDE!!! DADDIES!!! DO YOU SEE?!"

Tyler and Josh smiled and nodded.

"You did good, babe," Josh mumbled into his husband's ear with a smile.

"Took forever," Tyler giggled lightly. "I honestly can't believe I managed that."

Josh chuckled lightly and kissed his cheek. "We get to have our own fun tonight. She's staying over at my parents'."

Tyler smiled and blushed, kissing his lips. "I can't wait, handsome."


The boys played with ruby for a few hours, having just as much fun as she did. They then dyed eggs and did all the stereotypical easter things.

Around 4:00, they headed to Josh's parents' house, having an Easter egg hunt there before having dinner. After dinner, they kissed Ruby goodnight before they excitedly headed home, practically sprinting inside and jumping into bed.

They giggled and kissed deeply, their clothes coming off quickly. Josh placed kisses all down Tyler's bare body, absolutely in love with his beautiful husband.

Tyler blushed and smiled shyly as Josh told him he was 'so incredibly beautiful.'

"We're home alone," Josh smirked. "Why stay in bed?"

Tyler giggled and blushed shyly. "W-where would we go?"

"Hmmm..." Josh hummed with a grin. "The couch? The kitchen?"

"I dunno, Joshie," Tyler said. "It feels weird doing it around the house when we have a kid."

"We did it sooooooo much when it was just us," Josh pointed out.

"But now we have Ruby..."

"Ruby isn't hereeeeee," Josh pouted.

"Still, Joshua," Tyler laughed lightly. "It's weird that like we had sex in our living room where she snuggles with us and watches TV."

"We have sex in our room four times a week and she plays in here all the time."

"Joshua William Dun," Tyler giggled, poking josh's belly.

"What?" Josh chuckled, throwing his hands up in defense.

"Just make love to me in bed. Or snuggle me. I'm in a snuggly mood."

"What do I need to do to get you in a sexy mood?" Josh asked.

"Snuggle me."

"You're lucky you're so precious," Josh sighed, rolling off his husband and pulling him into his arms.

"You loooooove me," Tyler grinned.

"More than anything," Josh smiled, nuzzling his nose into the back of Tyler's neck as he held him tight. "Such a good daddy and hubby. Couldn't ask for much more."

"Awwwww, Joshie," Tyler giggled with a blush, kissing josh's hand. "You're so sweet."

"Not as sweet as my TyTy, though."

Tyler smiled and turned on his other side so he was facing Josh, leaning forward and kissing his lips softly.

"We were in this exact same position on our wedding night, aren't we?" Josh chuckled.

"I think so," Tyler giggled, kissing his husband's nose. "That was the best night ever. Besides our first night with Ruby. Those two are tied for first."

Josh grinned and nodded in agreement. "I'm so glad we got married young. I don't think I could've waited till 22."

"Me neither," Tyler smiled. "19 was perfect. Oh, wow. Has it already been almost 10 years?"

"Oh my god, there's no way," Josh said, grabbing his phone and pulling up the calendar.

"Yeah," he said a moment later after counting each year. "10 years September 14th. Wow."

"I can't believe it," Tyler said.

"Me neither. But I couldn't imagine being married to anyone else 10 years," Josh grinned.

"I love you so much," Tyler smiled softly, kissing Josh's lips.

"I love you too, Tyler Dun," Josh smiled, kissing his husband back. "We should do something really special for this one. 10's a big number."

"We could go back to Hawaii for a second honeymoon," Tyler suggested.

"Now THAT sounds like a good idea," Josh grinned. "Maybe we could have sex on a beach again."

"No way. The amount of sand that ended up in places only you're allowed to see was enough to make me content on beach sex."

"Oh my god, you're so cute," Josh giggled, rubbing his nose against Tyler's. "Alright. Fine. No beach sex. But hammock snuggles for sure."

"Always hammock snuggles," Tyler giggled, kissing josh's lips. "You precious hubby."

"Maybe even hammock sex."

"Maybe, Joshua," Tyler giggled.

"I love you," Josh grinned as he squeezed his husband tightly.

"I love you too," Tyler smiled.


"Joshie," Tyler said softly. "Joshie, are you awake?"

"I am now," Josh grumbled.

"I'm horny."

"Hi horny. Nice to meet you. I'm Josh."

"Joshua William this is the one time I will ever wake you up for sex and I get a dad joke. I am hurt."

"Mmmmmmmmk. Hop on," Josh said, patting his lap.

Tyler giggled and straddled Josh's lap, kissing his lips as he started to grind against him.

Soon, the boys were both naked, Tyler riding Josh. They came fairly quickly, mumbling quiet 'i love you's' before falling back asleep holding hands.

The end.

(Happy Easter, everyone!!)

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