The First Contact (1.0/6)

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The warbling birds outside the window of a small church usually soothed the black hedgehog priest, but not today

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The warbling birds outside the window of a small church usually soothed the black hedgehog priest, but not today. The priest wasn't gloomy or depressed; he was mostly concerned, as he was about to question a blue hedgehog boy named Sonic.

He often played pranks on others. While most of them were harmless, like hidden boots or fake fart sounds, this time he might have gone too far.

The priest's black eyes looked at Sonic sitting in front of him on the other side of a table. His head was low with flat ears. The priest sighed silently.

If it was just a prank or two, good, that would be normal. The day was sunny, coaxing you to go on adventures and be a bit mischievous.

"Sonic," the hedgehog called him, and the boy jerked, his simple quills standing with fear. "I'm not happy with you." He tried to sound calm but firm.

The boy lifted his head, showing his emerald green eyes with small tears at the corners.

"The prank you pulled on Mr. Baker was maybe innocent in your eyes, but it resulted in flat bread. You can't open the oven whenever you want."

The boy's eyes darted from one corner of the table to another.

"Your game with matches could start a real fire. You remember what I have told you about this, right?"

The boy had lit a branch in his hand and waved the smoke into a window in the town's bakery. The baker was shocked to smell his bread burning. He opened the oven, finding nothing was wrong. Sonic's snicker told him who was responsible for the false alarm.

Sonic nodded. "Yeah, Father Shadow. Fire is a good servant but a bad master."

The priest nodded with a slight smile. "Even the tiniest spark can cause a disaster."

The boy remained silent.

"Why did you carve scary faces on Mr. Owrel's best apples?"

Sonic didn't want to answer based on the fidgeting, but there was no way out of this. "Those were smiling faces," the boy argued. "He frowns all the time, so I thought it could put a smile on his face."

This was quite interesting. Shadow had to agree Mr. Owrel was a serious man, and he rarely smiled.

"However, that still isn't a reason to ruin his hard work. His apple trees are well-known for the sweetest fruit, and they have won many awards."

A small shiver ran down Shadow's back. Mr. Owrel's red face was still fresh in his memory, and faint ringing resonated in his ears from his yelling. Once he found his trees destroyed, he immediately visited the priest, knowing he was the closest to the infamous prankster.

The priest shook his head slightly, and his upward pointing quills swayed. The next prank wasn't any better. After the sudden visit, he departed to find Sonic and met a very angry group of women outside of their club.

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