Toward the new beginning (7/8)

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Meanwhile, the girl calmed down and started to show the other how to wash one's body. It was fun, just when Crestia finished it, the sponge was torn into pieces. The demoness especially enjoyed her back getting nice brushing. She fully noted to take a bath at least once per year. When the washing was finished, she felt relieved, clean and full of energy, so she jumped out.

"Don't--" before the pink girl could start the sentence, the other stepped on the previously thrown soap. The body was with a big swing lifted into the air and the soap was flung across the room. The next second was really long before the demoness hit the wet floor with a loud thud. "Sis!!" screamed Amy.

"Ouch," gasped the demoness. She had fallen many times, but this one was unexpected.

"Are you alright?" the girl quickly got from the tub.

A loud bang was heard. "Is everything alright?" It was Gold, the only person not needing to knock, but doing it anyway.

"Sis slipped on the soap!" called back the girl, helping the shocked female demon to sit up.

Only after this answer, the tenrec entered seeing a local flood.

"I'm fine," she shook her head a bit. "Who would think such sweet, smelly thingy could be so slick," she rubbed the throbbing top of the head getting on her legs.

"Yeah, soaps are a bit slippery," the woman giggled a bit. "It's more important you are alright."

"Let's clean this place a bit, so no more accidents happen," suggested Amy. The tenrec left, heading to her room since she just a second ago returned from a quick shopping since Amy needed a new dress. In the second floor, she glanced psychic's door was opened so she peeked inside, seeing him lying on the bed with the burrowed face.

"Silver, do you want something for the breakfast?" Technically it was almost a time for lunch, but whatever.

"That little hellcat's head will do," he mumbled into the cushion.

The corner of her mouth twitched. He must have "experienced" the bathroom was occupied. "So the usual sandwich," she said, putting the new child clothes into her room and heading down to start the preparations. As she was on the stairs she saw the door to Shadow's room open and two hedgehogs headed out. They wished each other good morning... afternoon.

The priest volunteered to help her in the kitchen and Sonic dashed to the toilet and then waited for Amy to leave the bathroom since the medium warmed him beforehand. One bulge on his forehead was enough. Then the next half hour was relatively calm as the preparations were underway. Each person was introduced to the pet-demons Eclipse brought with himself, while the small demon was taking the bath.

Assisting him was Gold, to make sure there won't be another flood. Unlike his sister, he was calmer and cooperated. She was especially careful with his wings and she used that time to study them a bit. She tried to relax him by telling him a lot of small stuff about the human life and society. He reacted to it by asking questions which made her happy.

Once he was cleaned, the tenrec took a quick shower and then it was Silver's turn to use it... finally. He was needing that cold splash on his face. Once he was refreshed, he headed to the living room, being the last one to arrive. He didn't bat his eye upon seeing the four small creatures. That made his partner interested, she was sure he will have one or two sarcastic notes.

"Man, I'm hungry!" said Sonic and helped himself to one of the sandwiches. The others didn't need to be reminded they were eager to eat and everyone picked what they liked. The psychic, for the start, was only taking small sips of his tea, watching the strange scene. In front of him was Gold, that was normal, but the rest of the company not.

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