Silver Darkness (4/10) - r

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Shadow kept staring at her with open mouth. The blood was throbbing in his ears, and the voice kept pestering him about her delicate neck. It seemed Amy would move closer to him, and Shadow was about to yell at her to not get close when the door opened.

"The breakfast is here!" Sonic happily announced. Both heads shot in his direction. The young boy's eyes slightly widened as he saw sitting Shadow. His small heart started to pound a bit louder, and his throat was suddenly dry. "Father Shadow, you are awake!" he said after a few seconds of silence and quickly closed to door with his leg since in his hands he had a big basket.

He put the basket on the bed next to Amy. The action looked normal, but the boy was nervous, and Shadow could smell it. Sonic was scared of him, and the priest felt shiver ran down his spine.

"Thank you, Sonic, for bringing the food," Amy noted with a still tired smile. She lifted the clothe over the basket.

"I have got everything you asked me for." He took out a checkered blanket.

"Perfect! Let's have an indoor picnic," the girl rejoiced. She took the blanket and started to spread it on the floor.

Sonic picked the plates and cutlery. He wondered how she could have so much money. When Amy gave him her wallet, he was shocked to see how much she had. He never thought he would see so much money at one place. For a moment he felt a bit jealous, but he didn't ask her any questions.

He rushed to the market getting everything ready. He was kind of glad. He was still scared to be close to the priest. The blue boy bit his lip in depression. No matter how much he tried to convince himself Father Shadow was a kind person, the brain kept telling him he should run away. 'He can't be a bad person! He took care of you!' he reminded himself as he put plates on the prepared blanket. However, he didn't dare to look into Shadow's eyes.

Amy's words interrupted his gloomy thoughts, "I'm so excited, I never had a picnic before." She started to hum a simple melody, and for some reason, Sonic felt his spirit was lifted.

Shadow was equally soothed by the simple melody. He had no idea why it was possible, but it worked on him. He noticed it the moment the voice was gone. His brain was still enveloped by a strange haze, and he kept staring in front of himself.

The blanket was gradually filled with apples, hard to get oranges, bread, cucumber, butter, ham, and sliced cheese. There was even a small cake, and everything smelled nice, but nothing around felt real to the sitting Shadow. His eyes were solely focusing on the orange fruit as strong pangs of pain hit his heart.

The pain was unbearable, and he felt like ripping his heart out to get rid of it. Tears were pushing out of his eyes, but none slid down. It was like he was unable to cry. 'Why is this... so painful?' A blurry vision of bizarre scene started to unfold in front of him like a distant memory.

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