Silver Darkness (10/10) - r

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Gold was sitting on her post, gasping. Her breathing was sharp and loud. She never thought her circle could be breached so easily. It shook with her whole brain, severing the connection with all rings. Thankfully it only meant she wasn't able to monitor them otherwise they were still active.

The memories she tried to push away resurfaced, covering her body in a cold sweat. That priest was dangerous, but why he seemed so strange? When he entered, his aura was subtle, but now it was widely flickering like raging flames. She understood why her partner was so beaten up that night.

Her throat produced hoarse sounds in a clearing attempt. Her trust in magical circles she laid wavered. Fear crept inside her heart. Silver was in great danger.

Her hand touched her lap, sensing the shivering muscles. Gold hated this. Her fighting abilities were limited, but right now her partner might be in grave danger. It was obvious to her it wasn't just a threat coming from the fake priest.

Before her connection was severed, she noticed a change in Silver's aura. It wasn't the first time it happened. Whenever he had met a stronger opponent, he had tendencies to slowly corner it before delivering the last blow. Every time he had a satisfying smirk on his face for hours after it. It never stopped worrying her, but he never exhibited similar behavior toward any other person, so she let it be.

However, right now it might backfire. Any delays could result in serious injuries. She shook her head, pressing her temples. There was no time to dwell on the past. She needed to move to him. Her paper seals could give them an advantage. Controlling ground seal from a close distance was always better anyway. She should never agree to move so far away.

She was about the get up when a high pitched voice interrupted her, "I can't believe he just ditch us there! We were supposed to go together!"

Her ears perked, and her head snapped toward a small girl. Her expression was dark from the massive frown on her forehead. The clenched fists widely swung in the rhythm of her long strides.

'A child?' Gold was perplexed.

She was sure it was almost midnight by this time. Not to mention, this place was quite a distance from the city. Nobody was supposed to be here.

The angry girl was nobody but Amy, marching forward. She stared at Gold for a few seconds before she realized another person was near her.

"Ah," she gasped before forming a proper sentence. "I'm sorry." She did a curtsy. "I didn't wish to bother you."

The tenrec nodded, forgetting for a bit the barrier didn't make her invisible for normal people.

"That's alright, but why-" Her head jerked.

Gold's eyes fell on a closing figure walking behind Amy. She didn't wait for a second and darted forward. Her arms enveloped the girl, dragging her into the circle.

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