Rose & Thorns (5/8) - r

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Not too long after it in a Rose Family mansion a cat butler was hurrying to his master who was in his main office. "It's here!" he shouted, waving with an envelope in his hand. He had brought a ransom letter to his employee.

"Good," said Reagan Rose, reading the content. "Immediately prepare the money." He stood up.

"Should I inform the police, sir?" asked the brown cat. His heart was widely beating, and many questions swirled in his head.

Reagan pondered about it for a while before answering, "No, let's try to solve this without endangering my daughter even more. If they would spot the police, they may escape, taking Amy as a hostage."

"Yes, sir." The man bowed and ran off to supervise the preparations. A few strides before the door, it opened, and lady Adeline entered, quickly moving from butler's way. He bowed to her, mumbling apology before he continued down the hallway.

"Dear?" she asked, looking confused. Her green eyes widen once she glanced a paper in her husband's hand. "Is that...?" she silently asked, coming closer. Her heart started to pump the blood faster, spreading the adrenaline in her whole body.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright." He smiled at her, accompanying her to their room. He ensured her with a soothing voice, Amy would be soon safe and sound next to them. Half of the time he tried to convince himself too.

What would he think, if he knew, there was a boy trying to save her as his preparation were underway? The blue boy, who jumped inside of the wagon, was carefully listening

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What would he think, if he knew, there was a boy trying to save her as his preparation were underway? The blue boy, who jumped inside of the wagon, was carefully listening. For the past minutes, his ears were turning to all possible sides.

He tried to wake Amy up, but she wasn't responding. He was afraid to speak any louder, so he inspected the chest. However, he had no luck opening the lock, he only found the breathing holes. That at least meant she wouldn't suffocate. In the end, he hid behind the boxes and sacks, trying to figure out what to do next.

The bouncing carriage started to slow down. Sonic's fur bristled, as the blood was pumped into his system at tremendous speed. He covered his mouth to silence his breathing, but he felt like choking up.

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