Toward the new beginning (1/8)

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 Silver felt a pang in his head. Kill him? Sure... that was his intention from the beginning... but somehow... it was strange. He didn't believe he felt sorry for him. Then what it was? He never felt so confused before.

"Silver..." Gold gently called him. Even her voice was sounding weak.

"Yeah, I know," he responded and nodded, taking a step forward, having the story swirl inside of his head.

"No!!!" shouted Amy jumping from her hideout.

"What-! How?" They all looked at her.

"You can't do that!!" She was crying, indicating she heard the whole story. "It's not fair!!" she stomped.

"You have heard him! He killed them on his own!" said the exorcist. Such were the facts.

"But... it must have been some misunderstanding," the lass argued.

"At the wrong place, at the wrong time," whispered Gold, because that's how she felt about it. Agent Blue and Maya Blue were sent to that area to investigate an incident where the whole villages were devastated. On their way back they noticed the flames and headed there to help, finding rampaging Shadow.

They had no doubt, it was his work, so they attacked him. In the heat of the battle, Shadow killed them, but Maya Blue's spell managed to bind him, sealing his true form and causing amnesia. This incident was later named Emerald Coast massacre as many small villages were destroyed along the coast.

Amy dashed forward, but the psychic caught her with telekinesis, lifting her into the air. She was kicking all around. "You have heard him," he said.

"It's still wrong! Mr. Shadow, you know you are not a bad person!!" She was crying.

The ebony priest lifted his head a bit. "It's alright," the smile on his face hadn't had the slightest ounce of happiness. "It will be better this way."

"No!!!" she screamed and renewed her resolve to escape the psionic grasp.

The silver hedgehog only slightly shook his head. What a fruitless effort, she was just wasting her time and energy. He came closer to the priest. There was a lingering feeling of uneasiness inside of him. Was it because of other questions that appeared or because he was in front of a demon that was begging to get killed?

Silver was pondering for a bit, before saying: "I'll make sure to send both kids home, safe and sound."

"Thank you." Shadow nodded at him, feeling happy at least they will get home safely, lowering his head, expecting death.

The exorcist recreated a psionic sword in his head. Observing the pulsating energy for a moment. With this weapon, he had slain many demons and another one was in front of him. He inhaled, lifting the blade above the head. One strike will be enough.

In that moment the demonic hedgehog felt the voice to scream at him, but know he didn't care what it was saying or ordering. He will be finally free from all of it. 'I wonder... if I'll be able to see Maria on the other side,' he had to smirk at himself. 'I can't... she was an angel... I'm but a monster.' He gnawed his lip, clenched his fists and tightly closed his eyes.

]Silver, maybe we should--[ Gold's connection was interrupted by Amy's yelling voice.

"Eclipse!!" There were tears in her eyes.

Silver sighed. "There is no point in calling that demo--" he glanced at her, noticing her bracelet was shining with some inscription he had never seen before. But before he could think, a loud roar coming from the next room, and burst wall into a pieces interrupted him. His head hardly moved toward the big clawed hand that grabbed his neck, robbing him of air.

The sharp movement disrupted his concentration resulting in dissolving his materialized psionic energy, but the last straw was a heavy meeting with the floor, that ultimately rendered his body immobile. A hoarse cry escaped his trembling lips, gasping for an oxygen and his vision was so blurry and dizzy he almost blacked out. And the throbbing pain in the head was trying to kick his brain out.

His mind was out of commission, yet he recognized the one who was pinning him to the floor. It was Eclipse. That small demon... not just escaped the barrier he made, but his body transformed. He was more than two times taller and had a lot muscular and broader form. Over his skin formed an armor-like-structure and his horns, doubling in the amount creating a crown-like shape, turned yellow. His tail was longer and thicker, and his wings were so big they covered the whole ceiling above the exorcist. It was almost funny how he was unable to think yet he noticed so many details.

"I'll gut you for what have you done to me!!" roared the transformed demon preparing his claws to do so.

Gold was pale and frozen. All she could do was to watch her partner get killed. She couldn't understand what was happening. And to make it worst her mind was flooded with images from everybody's minds as she lost complete control over it.

"No!" cried the small girl getting on her legs.

"But!" the demon partly turned towards Amy. "He deserves it!!" His eyes were shaking and his breath was quick. He could hear his blood pulsating in his ears and intense power filling his every cell.

"That may be the truth," she said in a calming voice.

'W-What?' gulped the medium in her mind. Was the girl fine with a murder happening in front of her? Her fingers twitched. She tried to push all the other thoughts away, concentration on her hidden pocket full of small seals.

Silver's eyes were hardly opened, his mind was sluggish, but he wasn't down for the count. He concentrated on his right palm, moving all the energy he could muster into it. If he can shot the demon's brain out, it will be over in a second.

"Then why are you stopping me?!" Eclipse requested, wanting nothing more than to take a revenge. He was having the right to do so!! For his legs! For his sister!

His master looked at him. There was no anger or hatred... there seemed to be... understanding. "So you can show him you are a better person than him."

"Wha-?" The demon's jaw dropped a bit.

Shadow's ears twitched. What was she meaning by it?

"If you kill him," she slowly came closer, constantly looking into his yellow eyes. "You will only give him a proof you are like other demons. You will create the cursed three."

"Cursed three?" silently muttered Gold, finally finding her own voice. She had never heard of such thing, but her hand was gradually moving into her hidden pocket. But which one to use?

"My father once told me a balance is in the form of a number three. The death, birth, and rebirth create the cycle of life. There is as well a cursed three – death, hatred, and revenge," her voice was calm and clear. There wasn't a hint of a fear. "Once this cycle is completed, it's impossible to break it. Whoever enters it's dyed black and unable to leave. It's a sad fate."

Her demon growled baring teeth, not releasing the grip over the silver psychic. "Are you ordering me to let him go? When I have him?" He never felt so powerful, he could kill any exorcist now. He could become an ace demon. Getting the recognition he desired so much!

"No," her answer left other at loss. "I'm not ordering you anything," she simply and slowly shook her head.

"Then what?" he barked his question. His full attention was directed toward the girl, so he had no idea about the Silver's plan to make a hole in Eclipse's thick head.

'Just a bit more,' he mumbled in his mind hazed by flashing colorful circles whose were giving him a migraine.   

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