Toward the new beginning (2/8)

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The girl came closer, lifting her hands to reach the massive hand, that was in the air. The demonic hand twitched, but it was lowered down, so Amy could touch it, showing a ridiculous difference in the sizes. She guided it to the side of her head, letting the claws dig into her quills. It was a strange sight. One move and her head would be crushed into a bloody pulp. Eclipse felt that the mere touch was filling him with the warmth, pushing his desire for the revenge away.

He bit his lip, not averting sight from his master... one move... just one... and he will have his revenge... she wasn't ordering him to let him go... there were no consequences for him... but why... was she looking at him that way?

Her voice was so pleasant to his ears. "Find your own reason to forgive him. That's all. Forgiving is the first step to a new beginning." She moved closer, putting her open palm on a red chest. "I know you are kinder than other demons. Taking a revenge is easy, but moving forward is much harder and it takes true courage." For the first time, she was frowning but in a sad way. "Because at that time, you are fighting with scarier monster than your enemy can ever be."

He put his free hand on her own. "Who is that monster?"

"Yourself." They were watching each other in a silence. Eclipse saw his own reflection in her big eyes. He changed so much... but was it just his face? The fuzzy feeling reached his whole body, bringing to the surface the moments they spent together. Would she be crying over this jerk's death? Suddenly, the hand, that was squeezing the exorcist, released the grip, being pulled off.

"Fine," he mumbled, feeling tired, but... light at the same time.

The exorcist filled his lungs to the brim with air. The gathered energy in his palm dissolved. What had happened? Wasn't that demon about to kill him? He lifted his head, seeing her hugging him and saying: "Thank you."

The demon felt red in the face, so he averted his eyes and mumbled: "But I want a dozen of cookies as compensation."

She patted his arm muscles. "I'll gladly make them."

Silver, with Gold's help, was able to stand up, leaning his body against the wall. He was short on breath, panting and gasping with his neck sore. The flashing circles slowly disappeared, but he felt that migraine was still with him. 'Did he just... let me go?' ran thru his mind.

The scene in front of his eyes was just ridiculous! A huge demon was calmed by a mere girl?! He could still feel the claws squeezing the air out of him. In an instant, Eclipse started to shook, grabbing his chest showing signs of having a problem with breathing.

"Eclipse, what's wrong?" shouted Amy having panic in her eyes.

'My body...' murmured the demon in the mind as his body was burning from inside. Again he felt a familiar pang in his head... like the one before he was chained. He made hoarse sounds as his body was shrinking until he recovered the original form. The more powerful he felt a seconds ago, the weaker he had become. "I... I'm fine..." he gasped glancing at her with a weak smile.

She hugged him, patting his back. "You scared me there." She broke the hug and kissed his forehead making the other widen the eyes. "I'm so proud of you." Her eyes fell on Sonic, standing in the doors.

His body was shaking and tears could be seen to fall down. With the commotion, no one noticed when he stepped into the doorway. All eyes were directed at him. There was no need for any aura reading ability to know this child was confused and desperate after knowing the truth.

When it was revealed, Gold made a mental note to inform Sonic about the fate of his parents. But she wished to conceal certain details about it, letting him believe it was indeed an accident... but on a lot less cruel note.

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