Silver Darkness (5/10) - r

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 Once outside of the inn, they headed straight for a clothes shop

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 Once outside of the inn, they headed straight for a clothes shop. Shadow tried his best to keep his composure as people were actually staring at him. He kept rubbing his sweaty palms against the destroyed trousers, constantly moving his suitcase from side to side. Every sound was making him scared, and his mouth was constantly full of saliva. But the worst thing was; the voice was back.

Only whispering so far but that was enough to make the priest anxious. He kept biting his cheek from inside, trying to distract himself. While was Amy guiding them through the streets humming a simple melody, he felt something was behind him. Creeping, just a few inches from his body, waiting for the right opportunity to jump to sink its teeth into the throbbing veins on the neck.

He gulped another portion of saliva. He felt hungry, not for food, but for blood and the ecstasy of hunting living prey.

His shaky eyes fell on the children walking in front of him.

So delicious, whispered the voice.

Such tender meat, added the voice, taunting him.

The black hand started to slowly move toward Amy when she turned back, saying, "Mr. Shadow, you weren't listening, were you?" Her face was a bit frowning.

"Huh?" was his only dumbfounded reaction. The voice, anxiousness, hunger all of it was suddenly gone. There was no trace left.

"You weren't trying to chicken out of shopping, were you?" she asked putting her right arm on the hip.

"No, I just," Shadow didn't finish his sentence. His body jerked a bit as he felt pain in the left calf.

"Are you alright, Father Shadow?" Sonic gasped quickly.

"Are you still in pain?" the girl added. "I thought your body is... feeling better since you walked with ease."

She gnawed her lip a bit before continuing, "I was so focused on finding this adult clothes shop I didn't consider you may still need a rest. I'm such..." She finished her sentence with balled fists, gripping the trim of her dress.

The ebony hedgehog slightly smiled. "No problem, I never visited any clothes shop, so I would be lost not knowing what to look for." He smiled.

"My legs are only a bit sore, with a little warming up, they will be in tip-top shape." Shadow stomped with them slightly, to show her he was alright.

She nodded. "Then it's good we have arrived." She headed to a door with a big glass panel and a small tag stating it's open.

"Welcome," said the doe clerk behind the bar, as the small bell announced someone had entered.

"Good day, miss," Amy made small curtsy, chirpy adding, "I'm looking for a nice shirt and pants."

The doe clerk in a simple working uniform of darker blue shade nodded. "Of course, just this morning we have got new goods." She gestured for them to follow.

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