Choosing a path (1/11)

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They were walking away, and Eclipse was watching them from the treetops, reluctantly following them. He didn't want to leave, but to stay with Amy. He loudly sighed and that didn't escape Shadow's eyes since they twitched. The ebony priest looked over his shoulder, noticing the small demon was about four trees behind. The others noticed his hesitation turning to him.

The demonic hedgehog walked closer to that tree and Eclipse hurriedly jumped forward, being followed by pets. "Do you wish to stay?" asked him the priest.

"What?" the small demon barked, surprised he guessed his wish.

The other looked at the rest of the group. Silver angrily glanced at him, snorted and turned away with hands in his pockets. Gold smiled, gently nodding and Sonic... he just bent his arms behind the head, frowning a bit, but then giving his approve too. The ebony hedgehog looked back up. "I guess there is no problem." He started to walk away when he heard a soft whispering:

"Thank you." With these words the small demon headed back, not seeing that small smile on priest's face.

Eclipse reached the roof, looking around. There was no way any human could see him, but Crestia's smell got weaker. 'She must have left,' ran thru his head. It made him feel a bit lonely. She didn't tell him where she was going, but... he looked the way the group left... they didn't seem to be bothered by it.

The note-one pet nudged his hand trying to comfort him. He smiled, petting her back. Amy might be right, this one acted a bit like a girl while the rest was definitely boys. They too comforted him, getting rubs, petting, and whispering encouraging noises.

He should give them names, but... how one gives a name? He would ask sister, she was a lot older, she should know how to give a name. But she was gone now. He was ready to plead for her life, however, he was scared of the silver exorcist. So he originally planned to have a small chat with Amy, then Gold.

The tenrec seemed to be open and... he would ask Shadow too. He used to be terrified of him, but now... not so much, tho he felt unsure next to him, he didn't hurt him anymore. Even his sis was, let's say, friendly towards him, despite him being the one ripping his wing. He flapped them, noticing the pain was completely gone. He fully checked his legs as well. Even they were fully healed and he was sure it was thanks to his master.

The wind brought towards him a smell of a depressed human. That reminded him his sis will undoubtedly continue hunting, killing more humans and... He shook his head, not wanting to think this way, but it was undeniable. He still had to fulfill his double quota. When he arrived here, he had kept a low profile, only gathering the natural negative energy from humans. But with just that there was no way he would be able to make it.

'What can I do know?' he pondered in his hearth. 'Maybe... Amy... will listen to me.' She was after all very open person and he was ready to explain her everything... just hiding a small detail or two. It might be possible for him to maintain both jobs, being her familiar... or what was he now to her... and collecting the energy. He bared his teeth in a thinking manner.

The blocky pet gently nudged him. Eclipse looked down at it, petting its head. He was glad he could have them. Since they were brought to life, he felt a little bit at ease. But they possessed a certain problem too. Where can he keep them? How will he feed them? He knew his master loved them at the first sight. And if it will require only natural negative emotions... there shouldn't be a big problem... right? She might allow him to gather it during the night and...

His body shivered as his brain informed him the shadow he was looking at... wasn't entirely his. He abruptly looked back, not knowing who to expect. Seeing familiar figure... it scared him a bit. "Sirius bro?" What was he doing here? He was sure he still had time before the deadline! "I'm working on--"

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