Hidden rose (5/6)

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 They all were silent for a bit. Seeing Amy lost her composure surprised them as she always seemed so confident. It was just a proof she was like any person; Strong in upfront, but fragile inside.

"You are an outstanding man," said Gold after a short silence.

"I wonder about that. Should I have broken the rules and take her as my wife from the beginning? That way Amy might not have any special ability... or she might never be born." He shrugged.

"Making choices can be hard, but it's something we have to do," commented it Shadow. "But even so, you don't have a regret, do you?"

Reagan lifted his head. "Of course not! I'm proud at her." He looked at the small demon, who crouched, moving a bit further. The reddish hedgehog was watching him a bit. "So, you are Eclipse," he said after a short while. The small demon nodded, feeling unsure what to do or say. He was watching him.

Crestia was meanwhile checking that man a bit. She was sure with the right amount of threatening he would show his emotions, but as of now, he was having just a faint odor.

"I don't suppose there is a need to explain what my opinion on demons is," he said looking up at her, and she replied with a silent growl. "I can't even fathom how there are demons sitting next to us. It feels strange..." He took once more the teacup Shadow earlier refilled. "Yet... I can't say... I'm hating it."

If the demoness had pointy ears they would now twitch. What a strange remark. He continued: "I don't feel at ease either," he shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know how to describe it."

"I guess I understand," mumbled Sonic a bit too loudly, not realizing it until their eyes were on him. Mr. Rose slightly nodded with a smile, encouraging him to continue, so he did: "It's just... I don't like demons," the blue lad looked at Eclipse. "But I can't say I hate these two... I guess it can be fun to hang out with them." During the last sentence, he felt a bit red. Maybe he can try to trust them a bit?

Reagan resumed his speech: "Amy had proved me she can see the person's true face. So I shall try to trust in you too."

While the chained demon only nodded, Crestia smirked. This guy could be interesting and he had her favorite color too. And speaking of red... she quickly shooed that image, strongly snorting and noticing one smell she kept ignoring. "Someone is outside," she growled.

"What?" exclaimed everyone except for Silver, who turned toward the open window left behind the demons. With a jump and three strides, he was on the small balcony, seeing a figure jumping from the tree, landing on the ground and running away.

The demoness dug her claws into the thick fence, but psychic was a lot faster with his power, catching that person with an ease. The figure was kicking around, trying to break free, but it was futile and it was brought to the light.

"Mr. Earl!" gasped Gold stopping next to her partner.

"What's that old guy doing here?" asked Sonic standing behind father Shadow.

"I'm not old!" repulsed Brian hovering in the air. "I'm twenty-one, kid!" He was baring his teeth, angrily glancing at Silver who was having one fine smug smile.

"Mr. Earl, how much have you heard?" asked him Reagan coming closer. The balcony felt quite cramped now.

Brian scowled a bit, feeling ashamed he had been caught red-handed. "Enough to see and understand why she had refused me." His eyes trailed toward the bulky demoness, that was still sitting at the fence with crossed arms. The left fang was poking out... but it sure wasn't a cute-charm in her case.

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