Rose & Thorns (2/8) - R

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 Meanwhile, Shadow was dragged by Amy to many stores and places, and before he could notice what time it was, the tower bell rang the noon.

"I'm tired," she said, sitting down on a bench in a park.

The priest sat next to her but made sure to have space in-between. He was surprised a small girl managed to talk for so long about clothes with such vigor, but jewelry seemed to bore her despite her status. He wondered how she was brought up and educated. From her speech he could tell she was well mannered and smart.

He was watching her when she turned to him and asked, "You know, Mister..." she made a small pause, "Oh, right, I forgot to ask about your name."

He made a wavy smile as he realized he had forgotten to introduce himself, but there was just no time for that.

"It's Shadow the Hedgehog," he quickly answered.

He hoped it would stop her from getting ideas about where to go next. His legs were killing him as he was exhausted. He was used patrolling the whole town with ease, so he was endlessly puzzled why checking a few clothes shop would drain him so much.

"So you have no surname," she stated as only important families or special people had the privilege to gain a surname. "I thought you would have one."

"I'm just a simple hedgehog after all." He took a short breather before continuing, "Will you now tell me about your troubles, Amy?"

He didn't want to press her, but prolonging her disappearance wouldn't do any good. He had witnessed many crying parents worried about their children, and he was sure it was the same in her case.

"You are a kind person, so I'll keep my promise." She nodded at him, and he replied the same way, but her remark rose another question of his.

"Why do you think, I'm a kind person?"

During their trip, she was acting friendly, showing no signs of nervousness or fear. It was like they were old friends. He thought Amy was just an open and easy going person, not fully aware of dangers of the outside world. While that was good, it could cause her a lot of trouble.

"I may actually be a bad person, trying to gain your trust to kidnap you," he said in a joking manner, but he meant it seriously.

She giggled a bit. "You do have a point there, but you can say I'm good at judging people." She winked at him and added, "Not to mention, I don't recommend you to be a kidnapper, you would be bad at it."

"You are right about that." The priest had to agree as it was more like him being kidnapped by a child.

"So, as I told you, I'm from Rose family, and as it happens, I was supposed to meet my fiance in the next days." Amy pouted a bit, showing she was irritated.

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