Toward the new beginning (4/8)

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Silver was meanwhile putting away the dirty clothes, revealing his magnificent chest fur he was especially proud of. If there was one vanity he had, it was this. He took a brush, standing in front of a tall mirror in his room and slowly and gently groomed his fur. Since the academy days, this was his most charming feature. A lot of girls talked about him, whispering and blushing whenever he was near.

That, on the other hand, made like three-quarter of boys his enemies. They hated how he was so cool and awesome in everything he had done. They weren't afraid to voice their irritation with him, and he was more than happy to beat them during the nearest opportunity in their own top subject. And to be honest, he didn't care about any party. After all, they all were beneath him in all aspects.

After a minute or two, he was satisfied with the result. There was an arrogant grin on his face and his eyes were ajar. He put the brush on the night table and opened the wardrobe, reaching for one skirt when his hand stopped. He sleeked his fur, closing it. He decided to let his body breath and went back to the living room.

Down he had met Amy and Gold leaving the cellar... with bandaged Crestia behind them. He frowned, piercing her with his eyes. So she was freed too? He loudly snorted, voicing his disdain.

Crestia stopped next to Amy and they both did eyelid pull taunt before heading to the living room. Silver's jaw slightly dropped, and the corner of his mouth was twitching. 'Wai... Wait... What just... like seriously?' He heard Gold giggling and he had to control himself not to bark at her.

]Amy is a really mysterious girl, isn't she?[

]Pain in my neck![ he shouted back more strongly then he wanted. "I'm going to the bed. I have enough," he said loudly, glimpsing Sonic and Eclipse to follow them to the front room. It was almost a midnight. When he turned, the ebony priest left the bathroom wearing the new pants and torn one in a hand.

The psychic frowned at him, but upon seeing Shadow's chest fur isn't so magnificent and is a bit messy, he smirked, puffing his chest a bit. The priest was perplexed by that reaction, looking at psychic's back. 'Is there... a small scar?'

"It's alright," whispered Gold approaching him. "He is just proud of his fluffy fur."

"Ah, it's alright. It truly is outstanding," he smiled.

She looked at him. "You are a strange demon." The ebony hedgehog fidgeted, still feeling uncomfortable with this reality. "Silver tortured you so much, yet I don't feel any resentment from you." Just now she did a subtle scan of his mind. The tenrec could feel his thoughts were centered around the kids and their well-being. There was one regarding Eclipse... even there was slight worry about his future.

"He... was right about that... I can't still believe you are all... friendly towards me... After what I have done... It's a blessing." He looked at his feet, feeling ashamed. In the last days, it felt he was being cared for while it should be the other way. "Miss Gold?" he silently called her. "Was there... a small scar on Silver's back?"

She sadly nodded. "He got it when he started to learn how to use his powers. It was just a small accident, but it made him furious. I think at that time he decided everything he does must be perfect, flawless."

"I see," he replied and he would say more, but his stomach rumbled. He was red and he kind of regretted there weren't red markings on his face to hide it.

"Would you like some cookies?" she turned toward the living room seeing the salver was empty. "Or is it too late?" As they both went silent they could hear Crestia's voice being muffled by the cookies. Shadow started to giggle into his fist, finding the sounds amusing. The tenrec joined him.

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