The First Contact (3/6)

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The demon was agile and quite intelligent

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The demon was agile and quite intelligent. Eclipse kept zig-zagging in the narrow streets, kicking trash cans at the priest whenever he could. The narrow space made it difficult for Shadow to shoot. His latest tries hit walls, garbage, and even sky when his face was smashed by a flying dustbin.

"Dang!" he cursed under his breath as he pushed the bin out of his face. 'That thing is nimble!' He jumped over a lying bag and turned the corner.

He was so heavily focused on running that he was taken aback when Eclipse jumped at him. Shadow would be pinned to the ground if he didn't slip on a gooey substance, bending backward just in time to avoid the demon's sharp claws.

Eclipse landed meters behind him, mumbling a curse under his breath since he completely missed. He wanted to turn back, but the priest, despite the stars bursting cross his vision, fired three bullets laying on his back. None of them hit the target as the demon dashed forward rather than risk getting shot.

'Maybe I can lose him above the roofs!'

Eclipse quickly latched onto the wall. He should have done this sooner, but the corridors were too narrow for him to fully spread his wings. He barely climbed two paces when a bullet swished just a hair's width from his nose.

"Gyahh!" he shrieked, so terrified that he promptly let go of the wall.

Shadow quickly shook the dizziness away and resumed his chase. "Stay still!" he barked.

"What idiot would do that?" replied the demon.

The priest's eyebrow twitched. Point taken.

Heat spread through Shadow's body. 'I have to finish this soon.'

His eyes glanced at the silver weapon. It was a unique one as it didn't shoot normal bullets but compressed spiritual energy. His current limit was about fifteen bullets without needing to catch his breath. It was handy, but straining his limit would leave him defenseless for a few minutes.

Eclipse stepped on it, tugging his wings close to not damage them since this part of the street was literally crawling with trash bags and cans. Once he found solid ground among the piles of garbage, he kicked back, sending a wave of disgusting mass toward the annoying priest. It slowed Shadow down but covered Eclipse with trash too.

'I have to get out of here!' the demon shouted in his mind as he exited the narrow street, shaking a yellow, star-shaped peel off his head. His yellow eyes glanced at an old building among less old looking ones.

'Maybe I can hide there!'

Eclipse dashed inside, and two bullets that dug into the door frame told him the priest was still hot on his tail.

The demon had no choice but to head to the top floor. The rooms there were sporadically full of furniture as most of it was stolen or destroyed. Eclipse quickly hid inside one room, turning silent and still just behind the door. He expected the priest to pass him. Then the demon would take him down with a surprise attack, but nothing happened.

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