Shadows of the past (2/9) - r

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On the other side of the door leading down, he had met Gold

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On the other side of the door leading down, he had met Gold. She was wearing a casual dress with something short covering her torso from neck to elbows. It was knitted and had a light brown color. He was sure that's one of the fashionable nonsense that kept popping out of nowhere. But he had never commented it. He knew how checking the stores and stuff like that helped his partner to relax.

He nodded at her, wishing her good morning in his own hardly friendly manner, and closed the door to the cellar.

"What did you find?" he asked once they stepped into the living room, taking their seats.

"It took longer than I expected, but with Blaze's help I was able to confirm that agent Blue had a child, a son," she informed him, gladly accepting the cookies the psychic put closer with his mind.

Silver took one too. Since he was born with a psychic ability, his brain required a larger amount of sugar to give its full potential in the battle. He was able to eat a whole cake if feeling too sluggish, making any woman to feel gaining weight just from watching him.

"Who was the mother? You make it sound like he had it in a complete secret." It wasn't like he cared about agent Blue. In fact, they had never met, whether it was because he was already dead or not, he didn't give a dang.

Gold nodded, and she slightly knitted her eyebrows, showing she is disagreeing with his inner thoughts. She knew him well, so she often guessed what he was thinking about someone.

"That's partly true. The mother was Maya Blue."

"Maya?" He thought for a bit, unsure if he had ever heard that code-name. Even if he had never met them, he still prided himself on the general knowledge of all prominent agents.

"It's no wonder you can't remember that code-name. Her rank was B, and agent Blue was her senior partner and a teacher." Gold put on the table a small paper showing her profile. Her fighting abilities seemed to be lacking, but there was a note stating her sealing ability was showing great potential.

The exorcist put the paper back on the table. "Well, The Order was never particularly against marriages among agents. But why did they were so secretive about this?"

"I have met Blue on a few occasions, he was always very protective," she started to explain. "I bet he wanted to spare his son of it. I looked into his mind when he was sleeping this morning. His memories were so clear, I could see all the details. It was him, who scribbled those words on the gun. He strongly believed his dad was fighting bad guys. He was practically his hero. The news of their death was a huge blow for him."

She could imagine how he felt, she on her own saw countless people losing their families and loved ones. Such pain was never easy to overcome.

Silver smirked. "Fate has a strange sense of a humor, doesn't it? The murder of his parents was by his side all the time."

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