Silver Darkness (7/10) - r

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The sun went down, and the world was engulfed by shining night. The moon and stars clothed everything in a silver veil. Most people were sleeping as of now, but a certain black hedgehog wasn't, and he wasn't planning to do so anytime soon.

The demon was gradually waking up, giving out painful moans. Slowly he sat up, scratching in his quills, weakly flapping with wings to get rid of the numbness faster.

"It hurts..." Eclipse silently hissed as he stretched his shoulders, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

He slowly focused on the floor beneath him. It was made of wood, and somehow it felt wrong.

"Where am I..." His head was at a snail's pace turned around, finally looking at the place where Shadow was motionlessly sitting.

The demon watched for a good minute without any reaction.

Eclipse's eyes widen as his brain finally understood the situation. He screamed, crawling away only to crash into an invisible barrier that lit up a bit. He scratched it, hit it with his fists and head in desperate attempt to break it.

"No! No! Please, don't kill me!" he cried. "Let me go! Please!" Tears started to fall down with rising panic.

The priest did nothing. It was best to let the demon get tired, then he might be enough calm for conversation.

With each passing second, he felt more and more pity for him. Such fear and sadness.

Was Amy right? Was there more to demons than just being monsters? Could they also feel emotions like people?

The demon soon collapsed, gasping for air. He pushed against the barrier as far as he could. He was constantly crying and shaking with dread. His body twitched from time to time when he moved with legs as a sharp pain shot through his body.

"I have a few questions," Shadow finally spoke, having casual tone.

The demon crouched.

"And I don't have an intention to hurt you... unless you give me a reason."

Eclipse didn't provide any response. His eyes locked on the priest.

"Nod, if you will answer them."

After a while, he weakly nodded.


The ebony hedgehog knew he had to ask now before the demon calmed down too much, and that would give him a time to start scheming.

"What happened to your legs?"

There was no answer.

"Your treatment depends on your cooperation."

The ebony hedgehog didn't want to sound threatening, but he had no choice.

"It..." Eclipse had finally spoken with a small voice. Gone was the cockiness he was showing during their first encounter. "It was a silver man... with weird power," he mumbled as his throat was dry.

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