Choosing a path (3/11)

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 The small demon squirmed a bit, feeling the sleep was escaping but wanting to dream a bit longer. A big sneeze jerked with his body. "Ach..." he wiped the snot, yawning still being half asleep. He clicked his tongue, standing up... if it wasn't for an extremely low ceiling. "Ouch!" he barked, being finally fully awake.

He rubbed his head, rolling his eyes up to see what was above him. "What the- Ah, right, I was sleeping under a bed," he mumbled. He looked in front of himself seeing something with wavy hem covering half of the gab. He slowly crawled out, sensing his body was stiff. Once he was completely out, he stretched his limbs and wings like a cat, making one last big yawn. All the pain was gone. Good night sleep always helped him... except it was usually good day sleep, but that's just a detail.

He licked his scales at a few places, straightening them up when he realized he had been watched. His eyes glimpsed a sitting figure in front of a toilet table at the other side of the bed. It was Adeline and they were the only one in the room. She was in the process of combing her quills, but her hand stopped.

Eclipse bit his lip because this could be bad. Amy might have been on his side, but her parents still had a big influence on her. If he in any way offends them, his mission might end before it could start.

The woman was watching him with wary eyes, before softly saying: "Good morning."

"Eh... Good... what?" he asked as this was the first time he had ever heard that.

"It's an expression used to wish a pleasant morning to a person you know," she explained.

"Are mornings good?" he asked before thinking about it, realizing it might have been a stupid thing to do. He should have just nodded and repeat it.

But she seemed to have no problem in explaining it further: "No, morning is just a morning, it's the early time of the day, but wishing it's a good one, may bring a luck. Hearing something positive helps to overcome difficulties." Eclipse realized he liked her voice. It reminded him the pink lass, tho yesterday she was just screaming. "Come here," she called him putting the comb on the toilet table and turning her chair a bit.

He listened to her, going around the bed, but he stopped at the second corner, having a small distance between them. Adeline gestured him to come closer, so he made a step forward and repeated it since she was inviting him closer. Now he was finally within her reach and she placed hands on his cheeks, gently rubbing them with fingers. It was tickling a bit.

"I'm not happy my daughter will be so close to a demon..." Eclipse couldn't help to frown. How can he gain her trust to succeed in his mission? "... she will risk her life, fight monsters and will be far away." Her face looked sad, but then she made a small smile. "But maybe this is how the fate tells this overprotective mother her daughter is a strong girl, capable of choosing her own path."

She was confusing him. Was she happy or not? Humans sure were weird creatures. Fuming at one moment and laughing at the other. She tilted a bit her head and he mimicked her, making her smile a bit once more. "I can't see, what she can, but... maybe there is more inside of you than one's eyes can see." She put her hands away, the small demon twitched, feeling an urge to pull them back. That single touch made him feel relaxed. "So, I'll leave her in your hands. Please, protect her."

Eclipse was speechless. This person... why it now looked so gentle? Just yesterday... ugh, his head was hurting, so he only nodded, having distrust in his own voice.

"Mother!!" shouted Amy from behind the door, quickly entering. "Have you seen... Eclipse!" she exclaimed seeing him. "There you are!!" His body jerked. Did he do something bad? But then she hugged him. "I can't believe I totally forgot about you!! I'm so sorry!" she looked up and just know he realized she was about a half of the head smaller than him. "And yesterday evening was even worst! I wanted from you to taste so many yummy dishes," she let him go.

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