New Path (4/4) - R

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A few hours later, after the train with Shadow and Sonic left, another one arrived bringing Silver and Gold, the duo agents from The Order, into the Green Hill village.

"Finally here," the silver hedgehog said once he touched the pavement, stretching his body, noticing they were the only one who got out.

This day was a long one. In the morning, they arrived to investigate a strange incident. After a quick investigation and long wait, they learned the surprising news. Silver was convinced now there was a traitor among their ranks that ended up possessed by a devil.

"I'll find out if he left the village," his partner Gold informed him and walked away to peek into the minds of the people who were still present. The psychic, meanwhile, left to do his own research and after it, he sat down on a bench. He hoped the fake priest was still there, he would hate to continue like this.

After ten minutes or so, the tenrec returned, bringing the results. "Unfortunately, I wasn't able to confirm if he is here," she said, pressing her temples. Reading people's memories always tired her fast, especially if she did it for an extended period.

He nodded. "Let's go check the villagers," he said calmly, getting up. They left the station, heading toward the night village. Gold tried to enjoy the scenery a bit, and for a moment she was able to glance at the famous hills around this place. They were dark, but she was at least able to see the silhouettes thanks to the moon and clear sky.

The night was silent and dark only street lamps were shining, all other lights were put off. No one was awake, even the pub was closed for the business. They walked a bit more, before stopping nearby the closest inn. The tenrec medium took a deep breath, and slowly searched the memories of those sleeping there.

After a few minutes, she said, "He was here, but he has left together with the boy."

That sure wasn't something he wanted to hear, but he didn't let it be seen on his face. "They must have taken a train. It is the fastest transportation after all." The exorcist frowned. He hated when his target was eluding him. "But which destination had he chosen?" He took out a paper, where he wrote down the places this village was connected to by trains.

He started to ponder. The priest was definitely planning to move soon. He had to find out where he was heading and anticipate his next move to finally get ahead of him.

"Rosemary..." mumbled the medium tenrec.

"Huh?" The silver exorcist looked up from his notes, surprised.

"That hedgehog priest mentioned it to that boy." She strongly knitted her eyebrows. While her partner was reading, she went deeper into the innkeeper's memories. It caused her quite the headache, but she was able to find their new destination.

"Are you sure?" he inquired. "Why would he reveal his next move to that kid?" The young psychic folded down his paper, putting it back into the pocket.

"Well," she started, as she was rubbing her eyes, "I think he might not be running from us. How would he know about us?"

"That's the truth," he pondered. Was he overthinking this matter?

His partner stifled her yawn, continuing to convey the information, "They spent half of the day here. If he was running, he would continue immediately."

"You are right, Gold." The psychic started to think and walk in a circle. "Let's assume he is keeping the boy as a hostage without the kid knowing it." He pointed his index finger toward the sky while walking. "Answering a simple question would definitely earn its trust."

"So telling him where they are traveling will do the trick." The medium could only agree with this.

"That's right. The problem is," he put both hands behind his back, "the last train to Rosemary city has already left." He gnawed his lip as he stopped. There were still two trains departing in a matter of fifteen minutes, but those were heading the opposite way.

"Let's rest here and wait for the morning train. Rosemary City is big, searching for him will wear us down," reminded Gold in a worried manner.

"Tired body is accompanied by a dull mind, I know the saying." He smiled.

"Yet you hate to wait," she teased him a bit.

Silver slightly blushed, and his eyes shot away from his partner. "Ehm, let's get the room," he mumbled, before loudly knocking on the door of the inn.

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