The Morning after the Nightmare (3/5) - R

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It wasn't just Eclipse's miraculous survival that was unexpected

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It wasn't just Eclipse's miraculous survival that was unexpected. Only a few hours after Shadow and Sonic left the town there arrived another train, bringing two strangers. They were from hedgehog's family, but they had rather unusual quills.

The woman had Tuscan-beige fur and belonged to a small Tenrec family. Her front quills were extremely long, almost reaching her knees. Each was decorated with three metallic rings in the upper half. Her rear ones were, on the other hand, a lot shorter, hardly touching her shoulders.

Her mostly white dress was fluttering in the air, constantly waving with white crosses decorating her clothes. The same crosses were on her shoulders, but most of her upper torso was covered by a darker beige cape.

She slightly lifted her head, revealing lovely crystal blue eyes with blue shades on her eyelids. With a gloved hand, she adjusted her wide white hat with similarly blue ribbon. A lot of people glanced at her. Her oval-like ears twitched, as she heard a few notes directed at her appearance, making her blush a bit. Nobody was doubting she was from a rich family.

Next to her was an even more astonishing young man. His silver fur was shining, giving him fairy-like feel. His five front quills were growing from the forehead, creating a maple leaf-like crown, and providing protection for his pointy ears.

Unlike the lady next to him, his rear quills were extremely long, almost touching the ground. He glanced around, and despite his eyes having a warm color of amber, his stare was cold, enforcing the noble-like aura around him. His clothes had a strong military feel, and there were crosses on his shoulders and sides of his trousers as well.

As they were leaving the train station behind, he adjusted his white gloves, and wiped some dust off his shoulder, making sure to look perfect. Between the duo was silence, but in reality, they were talking inside of their minds.

"So it happened here?" asked the woman.

"Yes, Gold, The Order got the message something big happened here."

"But it looks so peaceful here, Silver," she answered, looking at a family walking on the other side of the street.

"The darkness is always hiding, lurking nearby to devour you." He silently snorted; he had no time for childish-games or wasting it on pointless walks in the park.

Silver saw an empty cab going their way, so he stopped it, and they got in, heading to the branch office of The Order. Gold was observing the streets while her companion was thinking, and soon they stopped at their destination.

The branch was located in a church near the town border. All the offices of The Order were like this. Certain churches had secret areas for the agents to gather, acquire information, and relax.

Each branch had their own leader responsible for the town and surrounding area. In this case, it was a gray bulldog man that gave Silver and Gold the papers regarding their case. He was quite puzzled why The Order requested them as it looked like an ordinary incident. Silver had no time or mood for chit-chat as he deemed it useless and time-wasting. So he just took the files and left with Gold behind him.

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