The First Contact (1.5/6)

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It looked like a quarrel, but minor details suggested there was more to it

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It looked like a quarrel, but minor details suggested there was more to it. One was that these two loved each other dearly, and they never had a big fight like the one that was unfolding before his eyes. He should know, they were regulars in his church, often chatting with him. The rabbit woman from time to time brought him her famous pear pie. The other was a sinister gleam in their eyes.

Shadow silently growled. He still didn't know what was causing this, but he had a way to stop it. His fingers touched a silver cross shining a faint light coming from a street lamp around his neck. He gently grasped it, feeling the cool metal through his white gloves and silently recited the holy words.

After a few moments, the couple stopped fighting, their eyes changed, and a light purple smoke left their bodies, completely dissipating into the air. Their eyes were big, and a sense of waking up from a vivid dream washed over them.

"I..." The woman was terrified, covering her mouth. Realizing what she had been shouting, tears started to flow from her eyes.

"No, it's my fault. I'm sorry!" her husband gasped, pulling her into a hug.

A slight smile appeared on the ebony hedgehog's face before he disappeared into the night. However, it didn't last for long.

'That's the seventh case in the last four days.'

He had already encountered numerous cases like this one, but never in such large number. Instead of declining, as in the past, they seemed to be escalating. This case was still pretty easy. Just the other day, he barely stopped a possessed person from committing a murder.

Since that event, he knew someone, something big was near, causing trouble.

'I will find the unholy creature responsible for this, and I shall eliminate it without fail. I swear, in the name of the Lord.'

Such was the second face of Father Shadow. During the day, he was a loving and caring person, but at night he turned into a deadly hunter of evildoers. He turned the corner, continuing his patrol.

 He turned the corner, continuing his patrol

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In a forest around the town, there was a nicely shaped cave hidden in the deepest part, providing shelter for a strange creature.

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