Silver Darkness (8.5/10) - r

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Silver bit his lip, before deciding to spill the beans

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Silver bit his lip, before deciding to spill the beans.

"Yesterday evening, I was planning to take a small stroll, to relax, take my mind off the things."

The medium nodded, encouraging him to continue.

"During it, I have met the fake priest." He took a sip of the lukewarm green tea. "I never expected to have such luck."

He noticed his hand was shaking a bit, so he quickly put the cup back before Gold could notice.

"With a little trick, I was able to fool him into following me into the catacombs."

"Wait," the tenrec interrupted him, "were you planning to lure him into the circle?"

There was a suspicion the priest was possessed so this would work. Well, even a normal person could be captured, but doing it would result in a severe punishment if done against an innocent person.

The psychic showed agreement. "Yeah, underground are circles that can bind normal people as well, and since there was a chance of him being possessed, I decided to use them," he answered, reading her concerns. "Once there, I had chained him, he was completely within my grasp."

The hand that was resting on his right knee started to crumble the pants. Gold's blue eyes couldn't overlook it. That was a clear signal something went wrong... horribly wrong. The medium waited for her partner to continue.

"There was a cross around his neck... I pulled it off... and released hell."

"Hell?" Her eyes widen. He never used that word to describe a situation no matter how bad it seemed.

"Yes," he nodded, "That priest was never a possessed man... or person to the matter of fact... but demon all along."

The tenrec put on the table visibly shaking cup. "But that's impossible. It can't just be. No demon could live on the holy ground," she shook her quills widely. "Much less to use that gun."

"I know, it truly is a puzzle," he gnawed on his thumb. "But that's not all, his aura was so strong my own was rotting underneath it. He trashed me..." a strong hiss escaped his throat. "... like I was just some rag doll."

"But... But if he was so strong and savage... why is this city so... quiet? And that town too!" she exclaimed.

"That's the thing," he shrugged his shoulder, resuming where he left off, "The cross I pulled started to shine, and its light was the only thing withstanding his power to the point of hurting him. The cross then followed him to seal him once more."

There were still many answers eluding him. Like how could that seal change his personality? Why did his own power drive him nuts? Who put that cross around his neck? There was no doubt it had to be someone powerful. However, in that case how come The Order, namely he, had no information about such event? He sighed, proceeding further with his story.

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