Shadows of the past (3/9)

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 "That boy is a devil!" shouted one villager

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 "That boy is a devil!" shouted one villager.

"Look what he did to our children!" one mother was crying, pointing at a small house of a healer. Whimpers and weeps could be heard coming from inside.

Gold listened to their story pouring from all possible sides. Her simple beige clothes were covered by a cloak, and a hood was covering her forehead. The only thing she was holding was a small round handbag. According to folks, three days ago their children were playing with a silver hedgehog boy when he suddenly went nuts. It was a miracle no one died, but all children ended up in the hospital with broken bones and a big trauma.

Adults tried to bring the youngster back and lock him in a cellar for the time being, but he wielded a strange power, chasing them away. Since then, he lived in the forest, and no one dared to come closer.

"Please, do something with this boy," asked the head of the village. "He may be innocent. What if a demon possessed his young mind?" He was one of the rare people, if not the only one, still on the boy's side. But even he had to admit something radical had to be done if he wouldn't stop attacking others.

"Rest assured, we will." The medium nodded and with the group of three other people, she departed to the forest. That place was like any other, but the tenrec always found it calming walking through one.

Her teammates discussed the strategy among them. The highest one had B rank, and his two students were C but showing great promises. Their goal was to provide a cover for their leader Gold, who had a high chance to solve this without a need for physical strength. The B-rank agent had no doubt in her abilities, as he saw them with his own two eyes, and he was a seasoned veteran.

But even with his knowledge, he had never heard of someone who could create a big tornado or throw stones without touching them. In his mind, he strongly believed the boy was possessed. Meaning the fight would be inevitable. He voiced his concerns and ideas to her since they had found the cave the boy was hiding in.

"I shall talk with him alone first. More people will only make him agitated," she opposed in an understanding manner. She knew too well her fighting abilities were terrible if nonexistent.

"But what if he will attack you! He snapped their bones like a twig!" reminded the B-rank agent. That was the truth. The bones weren't simply broken but utterly snapped. There was no way the children wouldn't have lifelong consequences.

She smiled at him. "Don't worry, I'll be alright." She slowly approached the entrance to the cave. The B-rank informed his assistants to get ready to fight. As she was slowly getting closer, she could hear the boy's chaotic thoughts.

His head was swirling with memories. The children weren't playing with him. They bullied him! For his fur color, his quills, the fact he was parent-less, his slightly smaller height, unsocial tendencies, and for much more.

The tenrec agent stopped about ten meters away from the curled up body. It was shaking. She knocked on a rock wall. "Knock, knock, is anybody home?" she called him with a playful voice.

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