Toward the new beginning (3/8)

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When Shadow stepped into the ground floor, he felt so tired. Overcoming the stairs was like climbing the tallest mountain in one day. Sonic didn't stop supporting him, leading him to the bathroom.

"Can you wait a bit?" asked him Gold with Eclipse on her back. "I'll find you some new pants."

"T-Thank you," he nodded, realizing the hardly one-day worn clothes were tattered and in pieces.

The tenrec headed to the living room, letting the small demon sat down on the sofa. She heard him hiss with pain. He folded the wings behind, curling up a bit. There was a roar coming from his stomach. "Would you like some cookies?"

His head shot up, being bright and shining, however, in the same moment he shivered and withdrew his limbs, realizing he was talking with an enemy... technically speaking. She gave him encouraging a smile. "Don't worry. I'll bring them in a sec." She left the room to get new pants for the ebony priest from Silver's room.

As she was climbing the second half of the stairs her head spun for a moment and she hit the wall. The tenrec medium pressed the temple to push a headache away. She quickly grabbed the trousers from the wardrobe, heading down, wearing a fake smile to mask her nausea. The priest thanked her and entered the bathroom, leaving Sonic outside.

"Do you want some cookies too?" she asked. "I'll put them on the coffee table in the living room."

The boy nodded, walking there while she headed to the kitchen. She was so glad they baked four hotplates so there was still plenty of them left. All of them were put on a big salver and brought to the front room. There the medium jerked as she glimpsed sitting Silver. He must have been there the whole time, looking gloomy and lost in thoughts, but she completely overlooked him as he was motionless. The blow to his head must have affected him since his face fur seemed to be paler.

She put it on the table, noticing Sonic was between Silver and Eclipse, who was curled up, pressing the knees against his chest. The medium rushed back to get plates and glasses and milk, as that was quicker than preparing a tea. Once all was placed, she divided the cookies among them. The sight of them made the small demon happy since he started to nibble on them immediately.

That inspired others in imitating him. Even Silver reached for one, munching it. Gold sat down too on the other side of the sofa, trying to enjoy the sweet taste, but it was hard. The atmosphere around them was suffocating. It wasn't just in this room, in the bathroom where the water was running was standing a lonely ebony figure.

He had already washed his body, now he was letting the freezing drops to pierce his body while he was gazing at his open palms. There was no blood on them yet he could see it. The blood of those townspeople he massacred... how many other other lives he had taken? How many of them he murdered? Devoured? Robbed them of their simple happiness? He gnawed his lip sensing his wings flapped. 'Who... am I?'

He wasn't the only one having questions on his mind. The young exorcist was munching his first cookie for minutes now. It was like his brain was slowly returning to its normal state, perceiving the outer world. He saw Eclipse eating his last cooky and glimpsing the one he had. The psychic smirked, clearly saying he has some and he don't. This small torture lifted his mood. He put the rest of the cookie in his mouth, reaching for the next one when they were gone in a blink of the eye.


Sonic took a louder slurp of milk, redirecting the silver hedgehog's attention to himself. The plate in front of the small demon was full of cookies!! The owner of the plate didn't hesitate to gulp them in one go, stuffing his cheeks so much crumbles were falling down. Silver's face was twitching. He had understood too well what had just happened. Sonic used his speed to play a prank on him!

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