The First Contact (2/6)

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When the priest was finished with his patrol it was about midnight

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When the priest was finished with his patrol it was about midnight. During the walk, he had beaten up some drunken punks. It sure felt refreshing to stretch his fists once in a while. He always asked the Lord for forgiveness as he only taught them a small lesson.

'It seems everything is alright.' He slowly headed to the church, when he heard an unusual noise. 'What was that?'

He quickly climbed the nearest building and looked around, listening to the night, picking out that sound once more. 'That way!' He ran along the roofs, jumping over the wide gaps, and a street further he found the source of the noise.

"Sonic?" he whispered loudly. It sure was the small hedgehog child.

'What is he doing here? I thought he went home!' He knelt, peeking over the eaves.

"Dang!" Sonic grumbled, getting up slowly from the trash. "I still can't make it!" He threw the garbage down. "Once more!" He ran several tens of meters back since this street was one of the longest and narrowest in the whole town. Shadow didn't stop following him, observing from above.

"Let's roll!" The youngster started to run, and with each step, he was faster and faster. The priest was honestly speechless. He heard this boy liked running, but this was amazing! He was a lot faster than any adult.

Once Sonic was near the place where Shadow found him, the boy tried to make a sharp turn but instead ended up in the trash cans just like before.

'I see.'

Sonic was too fast to safely turn the corner with the momentum throwing him off. The blue hedgehog slowly got up, dusting himself off. 

"Dang it!" he cursed a bit louder than before. "At this rate..." He clenched his fists. "I won't be able to..." He wiped a tear forming in his eye, unaware he had been discovered.

Shadow climbed down and silently approached him from behind. "Sonic?" he called him, acting surprised.

The boy turned around, and his eyes widened. At the last moment, he closed his mouth, preventing any sound from escaping.

'Oh crap,' ran through his young mind.

"Father Shadow?" Sonic's mouth was wide open. "Why are you here?" He shivered.

"That's my question, boy. What are you doing at this late hour?"

Father Shadow came a bit closer but kept some distance to not frighten Sonic more. This part of the town wasn't exactly friendly, but thankfully, not many people lived here.

The youngster pouted, unwilling to answer.

Shadow sighed. "Let's go. I'll walk you home." He was sure, with a bit of time, the boy would tell him why he was out so late.

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