Toward the new beginning (5/8)

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The tenrec agent slightly shook the head, standing up. "It's nothing. I'm sorry. I'm just tired and that remark... It just came to me a bit funny... a lot," she added still feeling red in the face. The pink hedgehog let it be, taking her clothes down.

Meanwhile, Eclipse was waiting outside, not getting why there was so much laughter. But it still made him feel good. He looked down the hall seeing Sonic coming closer. They glanced at each other and the boy entered the girl's room.

"Hey, Amy,--- Uah!!" the blue lad was cut short as a small box landed on his forehead.

"Knock, before you enter ladies' room!!" yelled the pink hedgehog hissing. She was pressing the skirt to her chest. Gold was standing nearby, already clothed, having a wavy smile and being a bit taken aback by her fierce reaction. She kind of expected just a yell and not a frontal attack. On the other hand, Crestia was having a cheesy grin, being amused. This girl... she liked her and it was a bit shame she wasn't a demon.

Sonic hurriedly closed the door, holding his throbbing head, shouting: "What's your problem?"

"I'm changing!"

"Girls," muttered the boy leaving.

What they had no idea about was the demon's reaction. It startled him so much he jumped on the small table next to the door. He was so glad he didn't peek inside when they were laughing. After a minute or two, Amy called her demon: "Eclipse, you can come."

The door went slowly ajar, but no one was behind them... well, Eclipse was crouching, carefully looking thru the gap.

The young lass huffed her cheeks. "Ah, I said it's okay. Just knock before you enter ladies' room, okay?"

He nodded, walking in the room normally. His sis was shaking with giggling so much she had fallen down on the floor and even if her head hurt a bit, she didn't stop. Then she stretched herself, yawning so much it looked like her jaw will end dislocated. "Time to catch some Z's," she mumbled moving to the corner.

"Wait. Wait!" stopped her Amy. "You seriously want to sleep on the floor?"

"Yeah, what's the big deal? I have slept in worst places."

The pink girl was frowning, shaking her head. "That's still no excuse. You are in a house and I won't let you sleep on the bare ground like some wild animal. Give me a moment." She ran from the room.

"Amy, if you are looking for..." the tenrec dashed after her and together, they were back in a couple of minutes, bringing sheets and pillows. Crestia let them do their thing, seeing how the sheets were laid down and the corner was filled with pillows.

"Now, this looks much better," she put hands on waist evaluating the provisional bed.

The demoness assumed her original place, immediately noticing a huge difference. A wide smile spread all over her face as she curled down like a cat, letting her back sink into the pillows. Her brother joined her and the girls soon followed taking the normal bed.

They were the first one to fall asleep, but certain ebony hedgehog wasn't so lucky. He was in his room, watching the ceiling, unable to calm his mind. His muzzle was soaked by the constant flow of tears as the images of Sonic's parent deaths, Maria's face and the pictures of the burning village refused to let him sleep. He felt so dirty and his body tensed up when he heard a silent knock on his door.

"Father Shadow," whispered Sonic hugging a small cushion, pressing it against his chest, "can I sleep with you?" There was no answer and the boy lowered his head. 'He may be already sleeping.' The door suddenly opened and the small youngster was hugged.

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