Silver Darkness (3/10) - r

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Before all this drama took place, Sonic and Amy were on run

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Before all this drama took place, Sonic and Amy were on run. The blue hedgehog took many sharp turns with ease. Normally he would be happy and boast about it to Father Shadow, but right now he was focusing on getting Amy to safety.

Once he spotted the inn, he headed to the window of their room. He had left it open because this was supposed to be a short night stroll and not a date with a demon.

The pink hedgehog girl had never let go of his neck, feeling her heart almost jumped out of her chest with each beat. Amy closed her blue eyes when he jumped into the window and held her breath. Sonic had to shake her a bit to make her open her eyes and let go of him.

Amy slowly touched the floor, having no feeling in her legs she immediately went weak in her knees. Only thanks to Sonic's fast reaction she didn't fall down. He helped her sit down on the bed. She clenched her fists, pressing them against her moving chest.

The adrenaline was slowly leaving her veins, and that provided a place for fear to creep inside. She curled up, feeling tears in her eyes. A gentle hand was patting her quills. It took her long minutes, but she finally calmed down, and her heartbeat returned to normal. "W-What was that?" she asked with a shaking voice. Forget about bandits and kidnappers this being was scarier.

"A demon from our town," Sonic silently answered, and then he looked toward the window, adding: "I thought he was dead." He got off the bed and Amy grabbed his T-shirt.

"Where are you going?"

He looked over his left shoulder. "I'm going to help Father Shadow. That demon is strong. Not even I was able to run away from him."

The pink lass shivered, the thought of staying alone scared her. "But you don't know where he is," she quickly said.

"With my speed, I can find him." He smiled at her, but he wasn't that confident.

This city was probably ten times bigger than the one he knew. He had no idea how long it would take, but he was determinate to do it anyway. Anything else was better than sitting and waiting.

Tears appeared in Amy's blue eyes. "But that's still dangerous!" She stood up on her weak legs. "What if you will get hurt?"

"I don't wanna hear it from you, idiot!" he barked angrier than he intended as he freed his clothes from her hand. "What was the deal anyway? Why couldn't you--" He stopped since her cheeks got covered by tears.

She quickly turned away, falling on her knees. She was ashamed and didn't want Sonic to see her like that. She bruised her knee, but that was the last thing that hurt her.

"Sorry," he quickly added, realizing he shouldn't say that. "You aren't an idiot."

Amy shook her head. "No, you are right," she mumbled through her tears. "I'm THE idiot!" The tears soaked the floor. "If I just listened to you, nothing of this would ever happen." She tried to wipe her eyes, but new tears kept falling down. "If I let my parents engage me if I was an obedient girl and let my parents direct my life if I wasn't such a burden..."

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