Silver Darkness (1/10) - r

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It wasn't just Shadow or Eclipse having a bad evening

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It wasn't just Shadow or Eclipse having a bad evening. There was one more person wandering the empty streets. It was the exorcist, Silver the Hedgehog, who tracked down the black hedgehog here. He now wore more civil clothes consisting of a white shirt and light brown pants, to not give his occupation away. He was alone with his thoughts and plans swirling in his mind.

There was no way they would somehow get the information if the fake priest was still in this city or not. He would need to ask the local branch for help. Such action could alert other agents, and he was sure, more than half of them would be happy to get in his way or to snatch his target under his nose. The silver psychic snorted, feeling annoyed. He scanned the wider street he was walking down.

It wasn't overly clean either dirty it was just a way through the city. If he wouldn't be moody, he would appreciate the lamps were maintained as neither had broken bulb. Their structure was painted by gray colors, and it had a shiny feel. Under each lamp was a small pot with flowers which were taken care of too. Along the walls were also bigger flower pots that gave this street lovely feel.

The pavement was properly stoned, so it was almost flat. The plasters around had some dirt on them, but no house was damaged, and the windows had decorated frames. His trained eyes spotted a cafe and sweet shop, and his nose told him the delicious smell didn't leave yet. It lifted his grumpy mood for just a split of a second, as he pushed the thought of finding open cafe out of his brain.

His ears pricked as he heard running water. It was coming from behind, and it was water running in a small fountain. This city was full of small centers, and each had something big in the middle. The one he had passed a few steps ago had round fountain that was damaged on a few places. However, it was still in working shape, and the steams of water were pushed toward the sky to rain down into the bowls, creating multiple waterfalls. It wasn't like he paid it any attention, he just wanted to take his mind off the priest for a bit. To give his brain a moment to recuperate, before kicking it back to work.

His mood sunk once more. There were too many unknown factors. This whole time he was pondering where to start his search. He couldn't decide if Shadow was hiding in the center or near the city border. Both options were valid, after all, the best hiding place for a tree is in the forest. He bit his lip since his mind ventured back to a small thought.

Before he decided to take this stroll, he started to play with an idea of asking for help. There was actually a way to do it without raising big suspicious. He only needed to phrase it the right way. It wasn't a rare occurrence to search for witnesses. This priest happened to be one, and since this case happened to be serious, he didn't want to startle him.

He still needed to work out some details, but this could work. 'Yeah, I think I can do this.' He smirked. This way he would also make Gold happy. On their way here she talked with him about this, but he kept refusing to get help.

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