Author's Quick Note (edit: 30.11.2018)

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I want to thank you for opening this book when there are so many others around. I hope your stay will be enjoyable, and it will leave you with pleasant memories.

This book is a beginning of a planned trilogy I wish to complete. The second book is finished, but just like this one it needs a huge revisit, so I won't be publishing it anytime soon.

If you will enjoy any chapter of this story, please, let me know by commenting, voting, or adding this book to your reading list. Each action will make me happy, making my day.

Don't be afraid to contact me if you spot any inconsistency or mistake. I'll gladly correct it (English isn't my mother language) or explain the situation. Some stuff may be answered in the later chapter(s). Or you can just chat with me, I won't bite (at least I'll try ;-))

The author, Witto

The author, Witto

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As mentioned in the blurb, there is a bit of GORE. I hoped to keep it on a minimum. All mentions are done in two to three sentences! I thought that means "mention of gore" ^_^; Apparently, not XD So, I'm changing my warning from Mention of Gore to Light Gore. Don't worry, most of it is in the first arc and something in later chapters. I promise I'll keep it very short and brief.

 I promise I'll keep it very short and brief

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Important Notes!

I got a few questions regarding my editing style.

I know it can be confusing, but please, bear with me.

I'll now explain what I use, and what it means ;-)

'Inner thoughts' <= I use it this way because of Grammarly

that deletes formatting when I copy&paste my text back.

It's a small mark for me to not get lost and also a habit

I got from a different site ;-)

Extra lines <= You may notice free space(s) between paragraphs.

That is entirely WP's Editor doings XD It adds and deletes them

how it feels. I'm sorry for them, but they are beyond my control.

I hope this will explain everything a bit.

If you have any other question regarding my way of writing, don't hesitate to ask :-D

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Text dividers used in this book were "Designed by Kjpargeter / Freepik" (see external link below the text).

All used pictures of official characters are an official material made by Sega, Archie, or people involved with them.

If any Fanart is provided, I have permission from the artist to post it in this book, and I have provided credit to them and external link to their blog. 

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