Silver Darkness (9.5/10) - r

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While was Shadow slowly entering the trap, a small group was moving toward the same place as well. In its lead was nobody but the speedy hedgehog Sonic with a rope around his chest. The other end led toward the sky to gliding Eclipse. Amy was in his arms, and her face hardly showed any sign of fear.

On the other hand, Eclipse was nervous. How could this be? Why did this girl had such a crazy idea? Shortly after the priest left, she suggested to follow him once she finished bandaging his legs. She claimed Mr. Shadow had no intention of returning to them. It seemed he expected his death or capture.

The demon figured what their reactions would be. Mortals always made a big deal when one of them died or got hurt. However, at this moment, he could understand it a bit. He also didn't want to lose his sister or see her hurt.

The boy suggested taking the cart with them, but Amy was against it. It wasn't built for speed, and it was old so it could easily break. Eclipse listened to them, taking a note the boy was named Sonic. He hoped he wouldn't be chained to that girl for long, but remembering their names might be useful during that time.

His thoughts were interrupted when Amy asked him for any suggestion. There was no way he would want to be close to Shadow, but he didn't want to try what pain the collar could bestow upon him. He mumbled something about wings, and it was enough to spark this idea in Amy.

Sonic bickered with her for a bit, but the girl refused to listen and carried this plan. In the end, the boy had to comply since he didn't figure out anything better.

Eclipse sighed, feeling the wind in his face was good, but it didn't lift his mood. His eyes checked on Amy. She was so vulnerable he needed just one move to cut her neck. She would die without noticing it. He gulped. Would he die too? Would the collar prevent him from doing so? Would it punish him?

Another pain was the last thing he needed. His legs were better than he expected. They healed faster than his wing before, but they weren't ripped, so that might play a role in it. The warm feeling coming from Amy could also lessen the pain. He might be able to walk without any problems in a day or two at this rate.


His head jerked. Amy was looking at him. He stared at her without noticing, and that scared him. Anything now could trigger the collar. He sharply looked away.

"Are you alright?" she gently asked. "Do you need to rest?"

"N-No! I'm fine!" he sharply barked, biting his tongue for such a harsh answer.

His cheek was gently caressed.

"You can tell me. I'll listen."

"It's nothing," he quickly replied.

Eclipse needed to be perfect. He had to fulfill every order flawlessly. Only then he would avoid punishments, and hopefully find a way to get rid of this bond.

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