The First Contact (5/6)

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The boy's desperate voice was cut short by the demon's own shriek

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The boy's desperate voice was cut short by the demon's own shriek. Eclipse tossed the kid away, falling on all fours. He gasped for air, as piercing pain spread from his back into the whole body. He clenched his chest, smelling his blood.

"W-Who could...?"

The demon looked over his left shoulder, seeing a black silhouette. "Y-You?" He gulped upon seeing a dark figure standing behind him in ragged clothes.

"Yes, it's me." Father Shadow was panting, unable to calm down his breathing. It had taken him several long minutes before he dug his way from the rubble. He had no idea how he was able to escape death, or how his body managed to avoid broken bones, he only knew he had to find that demon.

That thought kept him moving, guiding him through the city like he knew where to go. He didn't understand why the old factory lured him inside, but when he heard Sonic's scream, his body bolted forward, ignoring every pain. His hand grabbed the gun and shot without aiming.

"But how?" asked the demon astonished.

"You will need a bit more than burying me alive to get rid of me," Shadow answered, trying to calm himself down, but he was wheezing, and his body screamed for a rest.

"Apparently," growled the black and red demon.

Shadow glimpsed at Sonic, who was now half-way sitting, gasping heavily and trembling. It seemed the boy was alright. The priest sighed in relief.

The momentary change in Shadow's concentration gave him away, and the demon smashed his tail into the ground, raising a cloud of dust.

The priest fired a few shots, but missed, as there was no new scream. He let the demon be for a brief moment, kneeling in front of Sonic. Shadow grabbed him by shoulders, lightly shaking his body.

"Sonic, do you hear me? Can you walk?" The priest quickly glanced back, hoping the demon wouldn't try another sneak attack. "Sonic?" he called him again.

The shaking green eyes pushed tears out, and the boy's breathing was turning sharper, and faster. It seemed he might break into hyperventilation any second. The priest bit his lip. This could turn ugly, he had to snap Sonic out of it, or he might start suffocating.

"It's okay, now!" Shadow cupped Sonic's face keeping his weapon in his hand. "Don't worry. Everything is alright."

Sonic slightly nodded and did his best to control his breathing.

"Now, listen to me," the priest said in a firm voice, "go to my church!"

The boy again nodded. He tried to talk, but his throat was too dry for it.

"I'll just take care of this monster! So, go!" he shouted the last sentence before giving the demon chase.

Meanwhile, above their heads, Eclipse was trying to hide.

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