Shadows of the past (6/9)

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"More than that," she answered having a small smile on her face. Eclipse wanted to say something when she interrupted him: "That black priest you warned me about, was it that black hedgehog?"

Her brother shivered, nodding. Her eyebrows knitted, muttering: "That's weird he wasn't smelling funny... well, it was a funny smell, but not funny like in funny-funny smell." His eyes were ajar, this was so confusing. She scratched her cheek, talking in a louder tone: "In any case, if he was an enemy, why did he come looking for me?"

Eclipse lowered his head, ashamed. "I... accidentally babbled I have a sister," he mumbled under his breath avoiding her stare. "I was... captured in a circle..." he went silent.

"Go on," she encouraged him. If that guy went after her like any other priest she would smash him and called it a day. He, after all, ripped his baby bro's wing... but why he acted so docile? And... why did it grow back? Was it supposed to do it? Her brain felt like melting, the complex thinking wasn't her forte.

"Well, he said... kind of... not clearly..." he had a hard time to put it into the words, "that if I fulfill his wish, he will let me go."

"What did he ask for?" Fulfilling wishes was a lie... at least she had no power to do so unless it involved trashing someone. Well, getting gold was also possible, but why to do it? When can you just pulverize that idiotic person? Or was it...?

He bit his lip before weakly answering: "My name."

Crestia silently growled, just like she feared. Getting demon's name was a serious problem. 'So that's why he has that collar...' That silver exorcist knocked her cold before the last transport and she could swear she was getting a major headache from all that hits into the temple. "So he chained you..."

He fidgeted a bit. "No, I refused to answer," a shiver took control of the small body. He hugged himself, curling up a bit. "He... almost killed me..."

Crestia snarled showing gritted teeth. "Then how... Who?" she was puzzled. It was hectic before she was knocked out. All she could remember were some kids screaming and making chaos. She noticed a small smile on his brother's face, just a second ago he was shivering.

"It's that pink girl... She knew my name."

"Knew?!" she loudly barked unable to control her voice. She covered her mouth, but more for assuming thinking position than to silence herself. 'Knew? She knew?' Her thoughts went wild. No living person was supposed to know any demon's name! She slowly gnawed her thumb. "Continue," the demoness asked him.

"She was... really kind to me," he touched his bandaged legs. "It was her who took care of me... who saved my life. I owe her a lot." The small demon tried to visualize the warm feeling the girl was giving him.

Crestia started to do the one thing she never knew she will ever do... deeply thinking. This was a serious situation, but... there was a way out for her brother. One aspect that could spare him. She chuckled a bit. "It may be better this way."

"What?" he lifted his head as she was mumbling it, but she didn't answer. "Hey," he started, "why were you telling me about those old memories?" She was never the type to reminiscent of the past. His sis always cared more for the present and having concerns about the future was foreign to her as well.

Instead of an answer, she stretched herself like a cat. Eclipse noticed the scars... too many were new ones. He felt his body was filling up with an anger.

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