Choosing a path (10/11)

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 The psychic slowly grabbed his head, shaking it. This couldn't be real. His face full of terror. "No... No..." he slowly chanted before his expression brightened up as a sudden thought hit him. "I see. This is your joke, right? You mentioned it's such a nice day. I know!! I was abusing my power, right? I used it to hold the night train! This is my punishment, right?" He slightly laughed, showing he wasn't thinking in a normal way and his body movements were showing it too. "I admit it! You got me! Totally! I'm totally losing my cool here. So let's stop here? Okay?"

However, the man's face was serious and exorcist's silent laughter died. "No, Silver, I'm not joking. My ancestor Maximilian together with Big founded The Order to protect our people."

The purple cat nodded, speaking: "Ah, demons are noise, they scare fishes." He looked at Eclipse who was blankly staring back. Who was this demon?

Nigel smiled, adding to the previous sentence: "And to allow them to enjoy fishing in a peace."

If the psychic could look whiter, then now was the best chance for it. "A demon... The Order..." his brain stopped functioning. Was everything... a lie?

Gold, who tried to control her emotions, was equally lost. She never tried to read her boss' mind, but as of now... she wanted to know the truth. It wasn't like this was her first time meeting Big. They had met on a few occasions... each one leaving her puzzled by who this strange fellow was. Was his case similar to Shadow's one? Somehow... she doubted it... since... Big seemed to be... ugh, her brain refused to work too.

Her ear twitched like she had heard some silent sound. It might have been just an illusion but her eyes trailed to Eclipse seeing his nose to be puckered. He must have been picking the smell coming from the cat demon. No surprise, even the most cold-blooded person would be shocked. The medium sensed Amy's thoughts and based on the feel, she was confused but somewhat happy, knowing this way her familiar had a much better chance being with her.

Her blue eyes flashed toward her boss since it seemed he was about to talk. "But let's put all jokes aside, I shall tell you a secret history of The Order that's only passed from direct descended to its first child." He cleared his throat, continuing.

"My ancestor Maximilian... let's just call him Max... was born in a small village. At that period there were just wild groups of people getting hired to protect others. I don't need to tell you that most of them were fakes and charlatans.

Time in that village flowed slowly and he was fishing as usual, when Big approached him, curious about what he was doing. Max was naturally terrified because he had realized Big was a demon, so he rather answered him, being afraid not doing so might result in his death.

However, to his surprise, the big scary demon turned out to be rather an easygoing person. Soon he found himself to be curious about him as the conversation continued in a friendly manner.

He kept it a secret and continued to meet with him at the same spot. Soon he realized Big was a nice person and meant no harm. One night they went fishing as always, just enjoying the view of the moon and stars, listening to night sounds and Max was telling him stories from his childhood. At that moment he noticed his village was attacked by demons.

He rushed back, hoping to find his family safe and to aid others in the battle. When he had arrived he wielded his fishing rod successfully dragging a small demon away. But of course, such action couldn't change the way the fight would go. If it wasn't for Big to step in, all of them would be lost. Thanks to that action, the casualties were minimized and many lives were saved. From the unlikely friendship formed a strong bond based on mutual respect that leads us to the present." He finished his short story, looking at the people present.

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